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Fire Bringer

Legendary Grasslands bandit force

The Fire Bringer (炎の運び手, Honō no Hakobite), localized in Suikoden II as the Keepers of the Flame, were a bandit and resistance group which struggled against invasion by the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia on two separate occasions.

The Fire Bringer were first mentioned in an Old Book detailing Grasslands culture found in Drakemouth Village in Suikoden II. The group would be referenced again in the first chapter of Genso Suikogaiden Vol.2 and would go on to play a prominent role in both the backstory and the main plot of Suikoden III.


Original Fire Bringer

The bandit Clant attempted to use the name of the Fire Bringer for intimidation purposes.

The Fire Bringer were originally a small band of thieves, led by the Flame Champion that operated in the Grasslands during the 420s. When this group began to resist the Harmonian invasion of the Grasslands, other groups and rebels began to gather under its banner. The Duck Clan is noted in history for being the first of the Grasslands clans to join the Fire Bringer and other clans would soon follow suit increasing the groups size with each new clan added. This would eventually make the Fire Bringer the grand allied force that united the Grasslands against their common foe.

Following the final battle against the Harmonian army, in which the Flame Champion's True Fire Rune went out of control, decimating both armies and forcing a truce between the two powers, the Flame Champion disappeared, and the Fire Bringer was dissolved.

Since then, the Fire Bringer passed into legend, known for their fight against Harmonia and their stealing of a True Rune from the One Temple in Crystal Valley. Groups of bandits that plague the Grasslands since have occasionally taken up the name of the Fire Bringer, but these groups of thieves are generally considered as fakes, unworthy of the title.

Once such band of outlaws attacked Milit Village shortly after the end of the Dunan Unification War in 460 but were exposed and thwarted by Nash Latkje, Camus and Miklotov among others.

Second Fire Bringer

The Harmonian invasion of Grasslands would spark a revival of the Fire Bringer.

In 475, when the War of the Champions broke out between the Grasslands clans and the Zexen Federation, rumors of a resurgent Fire Bringer and the return of the Flame Champion would spread. Many people tried to trace the trail of the Flame Champion, but it was not until the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia began their renewed invasion of the Grasslands that someone would inherit the Flame Champion's True Fire Rune.

With True Fire Rune in hand, the new Flame Champion was able to unite the disparate forces of the region against Harmonian invasion once, reforming the group and instilling new confidence and belief after the individual components of the new force had been defeated time and again by the Harmonian Army. This new Fire Bringer was not only made up of the Six Clans of the Grasslands but also of Zexen, forces from the Tinto Republic, the Kamaro Alliance of Free Knights and others.

After stopping the invasion by repelling the Harmonian advance at Brass Castle and, more importantly, thwarting the Destroyers plans that would have decimated the region, the new Fire Bringer would disperse.

Other languages and releases

Japanese kanji 炎の運び手
Japanese romaji Honō no Hakobite
Chinese simplified (HDR) 火使者
Chinese traditional (HDR) 火使者
Chinese pinyin Huǒ shǐzhě
English (S2) Keepers of the Flame
English (S3) Fire Bringer
English (HDR) Fire Bringers
French Porteurs de la flamme
German Hüter der Flamme
Italian Custodi della Fiamma
Spanish Fire Bringers


  1. Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), pages 254-5
  2. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, pages 266, 357
Suikoden II
Characters - Enemies - Equipment - Items - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IIAbizboahAmadaAnitaAydaBadeauxBobBolganCamusChacoCliveEilieFeatherFlikFreed YamamotoFutchGabochaGadgetGantetsuGengenGenshuGeorg PrimeGijimuHai YoHannaHauserHixHoiHumphrey MintzKahn MarleyKarenKasumiKilleyKinnisonKoyuLo WenLong Chan-ChanLorelaiLucMazusMegMiklotovMillieMondoMukumukuNanamiNinaOulanPesmergaRikimaruRinaSasukeSheenaShiloShinShiroSidSierra MikainSigfriedSimone VerdricciStallionTai HoTengaarTomoTsaiTutaValeriaVikiViktorVincent de BouleWakabaYoshino YamamotoZamza
108 Stars (Support) AdlaiAlbertoAlexAnnalleeAppleBarbaraBoris WizenConnellEmiliaFitcherGilbertGordonHansHildaHuanJeaneJessJudeKiba WindamierKlaus WindamierLebranteLeonaMarlowe CodyMaximillianPicoRauraRichmondRidley WizenShuTakiTempletonTenkouTeresa WisemailTessaiTetsuTonyYam KooYuzu
Other playable characters Hero IChucharaJowy AtreidesMakumakuMekumekuMikumikuMokumokuRulodia
City-State characters AnabelleDarellGordeauGranmeyerGustav PendragonLilly PendragonMakaiRevier
Highland characters Agares BlightBeechumCulganHan CunninghamJillia BlightLeon SilverbergLuca BlightLuciaRobert BlightRowdSara BlightSasaraiSeedSolon JheeYuber
Other non-playable characters BonaparteDaisyEllieElzaFu Tan ChenGoetsuGremioGyokuranJinkaiKageKelleyKentKoLeknaatLepantMei MiMillianMina (cat)PilikaPohlRetsoRyukiShikiShun MinSusuYuriZenith
City-States of JowstonHighland KingdomToran Republic
Greenhill Principality Erud ForestForest Village (Deep Forest) • Greenhill City (New Leaf Academy) • Greenhill Forest
Matilda Knightdom Highway VillageRakutei MountainRockaxe (Rockaxe Castle)
Muse Principality Coronet TownMercenary FortressMuse City (Jowston Hill) • North Sparrow PassRyube VillageSindar RuinsToto VillageWhite Deer Inn
South Window Principality Cave of the WindKuskus TownNew Alliance Army HeadquartersNorth WindowRadat TownSouth Window City
Tinto Principality Crom VillageLampdragon MountainTigermouth VillageTinto CityTinto Mines
Two River Principality Drakemouth VillageKobold VillageLakewestLana RiverTwo River City
Highland Kingdom Kyaro TownL'Renouille (L'Renouille Palace) • Sajah VillageTenzan Pass
Toran Republic Banner ForestBanner MountainsBanner PassBanner VillageGregminster (Gregminster PalaceScarlet Moon Inn) • Rokkaku Hamlet
Events Dragon PlanDunan Unification War (Conquest of MatildaBattle of L'RenouilleThe Last Battle)
Races HumanElfFlying squirrelGriffinKoboldWinged HordeUnicorn
True Runes Beast RuneBlack Sword RuneBright Shield RuneEight Section RuneMoon RuneNight RuneRune of BeginningRune of Life and Death
Terms Black Dragon GroupBlue Drop RuneBlue Moon VillageBorder GuardCircle RuneDunan (region)Dunan MonarchyDunan RepublicDunan RiverFire SpearFree Knights of CamaroGolden Bird Holy Flower Dragon Tooth Glory PunchGordon's MercentileGreenhill PrincipalityGuardian Deity statueHigheastHighland ArmyHikusaakHoly Kingdom of HarmoniaKage (group)KanakanKarakas DesertKaraya ClanKeepers of the FlameLake DunanListening OrbMatilda KnightdomMatilda KnightsMoon Bird RecipeMuse PrincipalityNameless LandsNerekNew Alliance ArmyQueendom of FalenaRoundia HaiaScarlet Moon EmpireSindarinSouth Window PrincipalityTinto PrincipalityTwo River PrincipalityUnicorn BrigadeZexen Federation
Suikoden III
108 Stars (Battle) AceAilaAlanisAugustine NaborAyameBazbaBeechamBelleBorus RedrumBrightCecileChris LightfellowDukeDupaEdgeElaineEmilyEstellaFranzFred MaximillianFubarFutchGadget ZGauGeddoeHallecHugoJacquesJimbaJokerJuanKenjiKorokuLandisLeo GalanLilly PendragonLucLuciaMelMelvilleMuaNash ClovisNeiNicolasPercival FrauleinPiccoloQueenReedRhettRicoRodyRoland LesaurusRubySalome HarrasSamusSanae YamamotoSarahSasaraiSgt. JoeShabonSharonShibaThomasToppoTutaTwaikinVikiViki (child)Wan FuWatariWilderYuberYuiriYumi
108 Stars (Support) Albert SilverbergAnneAppleArthurBartsBillyCaesar SilverbergDiosDominicEikeElliotErnieGordonGoroGuillaumeHortez VIIIkuJeaneJeffersonKathyKiddLouis KeefersonLuceMamieMarthaMikeMioMutoNadirPeggiScottSebastianShizuYun
Other playable characters ConnieKogoroKoichiKosanjiLulu
Non-player characters Anna LightfellowBrankyBrownErk de ForeverFlame ChampionGalahadGeorge SilverbergGezel HyattHikusaakJohannaLanchetLeknaatLowmaMasked ManMyriamPelizeRickSanaCelestial SwordThomas (youth)WaurenhyteZepon
GrasslandsHoly Kingdom of HarmoniaZexen Federation
Grasslands Alma Kinan VillageAmur PlainAncient HighwayCeremonial SiteChisha VillageDuck VillageFlame Champion's HideawayGreat HollowKaraya VillageKuput ForestMt. Hei-TouNorth Amur PlainRuins of CyndarTablet of StarsYaza Plain
Holy Kingdom of Harmonia Altar of the Mantor TrainersCaleria (Caleria Fortress) • Circle PalaceLe BuqueMountain PathMt. Senai
Zexen Federation Brass CastleBudehuc CastleIksay VillageNorth CavernVinay del Zexay (CouncilSeigal Gate) • Zexen Forest
Events Higheast RebellionWar of the ChampionsZexen Federation Day BallZexen-Grasslands Armistice
Races DuckDwarfElfHumanKoboldLizardWinged Horde
True Runes Circle RuneEight Section RuneNight RuneTrue Earth RuneTrue Fire RuneTrue Lightning RuneTrue Water RuneTrue Wind Rune
Terms Alma KinanBlack Rose SocietyChisha ClanDestroyersDuck ClanDuck HalberdDunan RepublicErk's AdventuresFire BringerGray WorldKage (group)Kamaro Alliance of Free KnightsKanaa ClanKaraya ClanKnights of the Dragon's DenLizard ClanLoaNameless LandsSafir ClanSanadySix ClansSouthern Frontier Defense ForceTinto RepublicZexen CouncilZexen KnightsZexen script