A member of the Twelfth Unit of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's Southern Frontier Defense Force. He manages the unit's administrative duties.
— Ace's profile
Ace was a member of the 12th unit of the HarmonianSouthern Frontier Defense Force, working under Geddoe. He was known to be a womanizer and the self-proclaimed sexiest man of the force. He had a certain amount of success with women due to his dry humor and quick wit, but experienced just as much rejection and heartbreak.
He dressed in typical military clothing, so as to be prepared for any mission no matter the location. He was also a voracious reader and something of an aspiring writer, penning the Erk's Adventures series under his penname, Hitman Bravo. However, his writing style was cumbersome and often confusing to the reader.
His passion for reading was also what led to Ace using sai in combat. Ace had learned of the existence of this weapon from an old book and then asked a blacksmith to have it custom-made for him. His sai were made of iron and had three prongs, making them excellent for catching, entangling, and striking back at the enemy.
In addition to being the unit's beleaguered accountant (a job he only received because no one else wanted it), he was also a facilitator and negotiator for the group. He was talented in his role, and was often the one who would push for Geddoe to make decisions for the group.
In the past, he was also a member of Gilbert's mercenaries and fought in the Dunan Unification War as a member of the sellsword group. At some point after the war, he became a member of the Harmonian Southern Frontier Defense Force. He was once in a short-lived romance with Elaine but was dumped after he gave her a gift that cost him an entire mission's wage.
Yeah, we've been assigned to Operation Bofa
When the War of the Champions began to flare up, Ace would travel as part of Geddoe's group. Eventually, they were confronted by Duke's 14th unit, who were attempting to order the 12th unit to return to Caleria. Ace would attempt to deflect the order, stating they were on a special mission relating to the Higheast Rebellion.
Eventually, the group would find themselves part of the Fire Bringer. At Budehuc Castle, Ace became known for hitting on everything with a pretty face, something he was already known for in Harmonian circles. Elaine was not pleased to see him there as she had previously rejected his advances, and Yuiri was forced to thwart his plans to date Yumi.
Not if I die first, sucker
Martha noted Ace seemed to have a gambling problem, which proved to be very beneficial to her. Ace himself could only find room to complain about the portions served at the castle's restaurant. This was due to tales of his attempted exploits spreading around the castle, leading Mamie to give him a cold shoulder (and small portions) based on his reputation.
Before the final battle, Geddoe attempted to apologize to Ace and the others for putting their lives at risk, but Ace lightly responded that he was always ready to fight for Geddoe. Though he spoke lightly in an attempt to keep everyone's spirits up, he was also determined to survive the upcoming battle, seeing no sense in dying.
Following the War of the Champions, he continues to complain bitterly while attempting to keep control of the unit's finances.
Ace joins automatically at the beginning of Geddoe Chapter 1.