Tinto City
ティント市 Tinto Shi
Tinto City (ティント市, Tinto Shi) is a location in Suikoden II. It is the governing city of Tinto Principality. Its population is 11,000.
Tinto City is a renowned mining town that was built against the slope of a steep mountain. Its main industry is in extracting iron ore, water gems, and other precious metals from the Tinto Mines. The sale of weapons and armor produced from these resources generates a large profit for the city and allows it to fund a powerful military.
As long as the city has existed, the head of the mining guild has also served as mayor of the city. Membership of the guild required the recommendation of at least two guild members. Usually a set of parents would nominate their own children to become members of the guild. As a mining city, those possessed of physical strength were highly regarded.
Gustav Pendragon served as mayor during the Dunan Unification War and was Tinto's last before the foundation of the Tinto Republic.
Suikoden II
Genso Suikoden Card Stories
Enemy Formations