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Whip-wielding leader of the Karaya Clan, mother of Hugo
Revision as of 13:04, 7 September 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "|romaji_name" to "|roname")
Artwork by Ishikawa Fumi
Physical Information
Birth Date
SY 439
22 (S2)
37 (S3)
175cm (5'9") (S3)
Biographical Information
Teni Star¹
Hugo (son)
Kianu (father)

Lucia (ルシア, Rushia) is a character who appears in Suikoden II and Suikoden III. She is the leader of the Karaya Clan.


The Karaya Chief and a fearless woman. She fought in wars against the Zexens alongside the Six Clans of Grassland.

—  Lucia's profile
Yeah, but do you have to be so upset about it?

Lucia is the virtuous and trustworthy chieftain of the Karaya Clan who dwell in the Grassland. Her father, Kianu, was poisoned in a plot by Alec Wisemail, mayor of Greenhill, some years before. In order to fulfil her revenge, she and her elite soldiers fought with the Highland Army during the Dunan Unification War.

Fighting alongside Highland, Lucia would confront the New State Army several times. Eventually, she would be defeated by the New State Army in a battle at L'Renouille Palace and would finally give way when Teresa Wisemail's sincerity convinced her that the wrongs committed against her clan could be righted.

Although she had hated Teresa due to her father's doings and had tried to assassinate the leader of the New State Army, Lucia was open to explanation and fair dealings. Once Teresa became mayor of Greenhill, the Karaya Clan quickly received an offer of reconciliation.

Following the Dunan Unification War, Lucia continued to lead the Karaya, becoming a strong leader for the clan itself and also within the Six Clans. She would battle against the Zexen Federation many times over the years.

Shortly after the war, she would give birth to her son, Hugo, whose father's name would go unrevealed. Lucia would raise him with pride, becoming as fierce as a mother as she was as a warrior. She would also become known for her diplomatic prowess as well as her martial talents.

When the War of the Champions broke out between the Six Clans and Zexen, the Karaya Village was razed by the Zexen Knights as part of their ploy to escape an ambush. Following this loss, the Karaya survivors would regroup under Lucia at the Great Hollow where she clashed with the Silver Maiden Chris Lightfellow.

From there, she would strike with the Lizard Clan at the Zexen village of Iksay for a Grassland victory before forming part of the Grassland's attempted defense of the Chisha Village once the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia began their invasion of the region. This battle would also patch her adversarial relationship with Chris, who also fought for Grassland at this time.

Lucia would go on to align herself with the Fire Bringer, playing an active role in advising strategy and administration. Following the war, she would yield the position of Karaya Chief to Hugo, moving to the Dunan Republic in order to explore new directions for the clan's future.


Main article: Lucia (Suikoden II)

Lucia is fought as a boss enemy in Suikoden II. She is fought three times and mixes strong physical attacks with powerful fire magic.

Genso Suikoden Card Stories TCG

Lucia 073
File:Lucia (Booster Pack Vol.1).png Card Info
MIL 200
Lucia 325
File:Lucia (Premium Pack).png Card Info
MIL 200
Lucia 408
File:Lucia (Booster Pack Vol.3).png Card Info
MIL 1000



  • Lucia's weapon upgrades as Uranne Galo, Uranne Galor. The first, Uranne, is not available without a cheating device. Perhaps it is the same whip she used against the hero 15 years previously.
  • Lucia learns the unique skills Continual Attack and Magic Repel. She is able to do well in either Melee or Magic, although she cannot get S level in any particular skill, most end in A or B+.
  • Lucia participates in the truly awesome Clan Leader attack with Dupa, and the Lovely Woman attack with Estella and Yuiri in which the ladies blow kisses for damage somehow.
  • Lucia was apparently highly rated in Budehuc Castle's "Secret Beauty Contest".
  • If Hugo is Flame Champion, she will fill the Suggestion Box with minor motherly questions. She does not write anything to Chris Lightfellow or Geddoe.
  • As a boss in Suikoden II, she casts a fire spell that is not available through any runes in the game. It consists of flaming chakrams tearing through the battlefield.


  1. Genso Suikoden II 108 Stars Character Guide (ISBN 4-88317-769-6), page 229
  2. Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), page 310
  3. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, pages 234, 374
Suikoden II
Characters - Enemies - Equipment - Items - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IIAbizboahAmadaAnitaAydaBadeauxBobBolganCamusChacoCliveEilieFeatherFlikFreed YamamotoFutchGabochaGadgetGantetsuGengenGenshuGeorg PrimeGijimuHai YoHannaHauserHixHoiHumphrey MintzKahn MarleyKarenKasumiKilleyKinnisonKoyuLo WenLong Chan-ChanLorelaiLucMazusMegMiklotovMillieMondoMukumukuNanamiNinaOulanPesmergaRikimaruRinaSasukeSheenaShiloShinShiroSidSierra MikainSigfriedSimone VerdricciStallionTai HoTengaarTomoTsaiTutaValeriaVikiViktorVincent de BouleWakabaYoshino YamamotoZamza
108 Stars (Support) AdlaiAlbertoAlexAnnalleeAppleBarbaraBoris WizenConnellEmiliaFitcherGilbertGordonHansHildaHuanJeaneJessJudeKiba WindamierKlaus WindamierLebranteLeonaMarlowe CodyMaximillianPicoRauraRichmondRidley WizenShuTakiTempletonTenkouTeresa WisemailTessaiTetsuTonyYam KooYuzu
Other playable characters Hero IChucharaJowy AtreidesMakumakuMekumekuMikumikuMokumokuRulodia
City-State characters AnabelleDarellGordeauGranmeyerGustav PendragonLilly PendragonMakaiRevier
Highland characters Agares BlightBeechumCulganHan CunninghamJillia BlightLeon SilverbergLuca BlightLuciaRobert BlightRowdSara BlightSasaraiSeedSolon JheeYuber
Other non-playable characters BonaparteDaisyEllieElzaFu Tan ChenGoetsuGremioGyokuranJinkaiKageKelleyKentKoLeknaatLepantMei MiMillianMina (cat)PilikaPohlRetsoRyukiShikiShun MinSusuYuriZenith
City-States of JowstonHighland KingdomToran Republic
Greenhill Principality Erud ForestForest Village (Deep Forest) • Greenhill City (New Leaf Academy) • Greenhill Forest
Matilda Knightdom Highway VillageRakutei MountainRockaxe (Rockaxe Castle)
Muse Principality Coronet TownMercenary FortressMuse City (Jowston Hill) • North Sparrow PassRyube VillageSindar RuinsToto VillageWhite Deer Inn
South Window Principality Cave of the WindKuskus TownNew State Army HeadquartersNorth WindowRadat TownSouth Window City
Tinto Principality Crom VillageLampdragon MountainTigermouth VillageTinto CityTinto Mines
Two River Principality Drakemouth VillageKobold VillageLakewestLana RiverTwo River City
Highland Kingdom Kyaro TownL'Renouille (L'Renouille Palace) • Sajah VillageTenzan Pass
Toran Republic Banner ForestBanner MountainsBanner PassBanner VillageGregminster (Gregminster PalaceScarlet Moon Inn) • Rokkaku Hamlet
Events Dragon PlanDunan Unification War (Battle of RockaxeBattle of L'RenouilleThe Last Battle)
Races HumanElfFlying squirrelGriffinKoboldWinged HordeUnicorn
True Runes Beast RuneBlack Sword RuneBright Shield RuneEight Section RuneMoon RuneNight RuneRune of BeginningRune of Life and Death
Terms Black Dragon GroupBlue Drop RuneBlue Moon VillageBorder GuardCircle RuneDunan (region)Dunan MonarchyDunan RepublicDunan RiverFire SpearFree Knights of CamaroGolden Bird Holy Flower Dragon Tooth Glory PunchGordon's MercentileGreenhill PrincipalityGuardian Deity statueHigheastHighland ArmyHikusaakHoly Kingdom of HarmoniaKage (group)KanakanKarakas DesertKaraya ClanKeepers of the FlameLake DunanListening OrbMatilda KnightdomMatilda KnightsMoon Bird RecipeMuse PrincipalityNameless LandsNerekNew State ArmyQueendom of FalenaRoundia HaiaScarlet Moon EmpireSindarinSouth Window PrincipalityTinto PrincipalityTwo River PrincipalityUnicorn BrigadeZexen Federation
Suikoden III
108 Stars (Battle) AceAilaAlanisAugustine NaborAyameBazbaBeechamBelleBorus RedrumBrightCecileChris LightfellowDukeDupaEdgeElaineEmilyEstellaFranzFred MaximillianFubarFutchGadget ZGauGeddoeHallecHugoJacquesJimbaJokerJuanKenjiKorokuLandisLeo GalanLilly PendragonLucLuciaMelMelvilleMuaNash ClovisNeiNicolasPercival FrauleinPiccoloQueenReedRhettRicoRodyRoland LesaurusRubySalome HarrasSamusSanae YamamotoSarahSasaraiSgt. JoeShabonSharonShibaThomasToppoTutaTwaikinVikiViki (child)Wan FuWatariWilderYuberYuiriYumi
108 Stars (Support) Albert SilverbergAnneAppleArthurBartsBillyCaesar SilverbergDiosDominicEikeElliotErnieGordonGoroGuillaumeHortez VIIIkuJeaneJeffersonKathyKiddLouis KeefersonLuceMamieMarthaMikeMioMutoNadirPeggiScottSebastianShizuYun
Other playable characters ConnieKogoroKoichiKosanjiLulu
Non-player characters Anna LightfellowBrankyBrownErk de ForeverFlame ChampionGalahadGeorge SilverbergGezel HyattHikusaakJohannaLanchetLeknaatLowmaMasked ManMyriamPelizeRickSanaCelestial SwordThomas (youth)WaurenhyteZepon
GrasslandsHoly Kingdom of HarmoniaZexen Federation
Grasslands Alma Kinan VillageAmur PlainAncient HighwayCeremonial SiteChisha VillageDuck VillageFlame Champion's HideawayGreat HollowKaraya VillageKuput ForestMt. Hei-TouNorth Amur PlainRuins of CyndarTablet of StarsYaza Plain
Holy Kingdom of Harmonia Altar of the Mantor TrainersCaleria (Caleria Fortress) • Circle PalaceLe BuqueMountain PathMt. Senai
Zexen Federation Brass CastleBudehuc CastleIksay VillageNorth CavernVinay del Zexay (CouncilSeigal Gate) • Zexen Forest
Events Higheast RebellionWar of the ChampionsZexen Federation Day BallZexen-Grasslands Armistice
Races DuckDwarfElfHumanKoboldLizardWinged Horde
True Runes Circle RuneEight Section RuneNight RuneTrue Earth RuneTrue Fire RuneTrue Lightning RuneTrue Water RuneTrue Wind Rune
Terms Alma KinanBlack Rose SocietyChisha ClanDestroyersDuck ClanDuck HalberdDunan RepublicErk's AdventuresFire BringerGray WorldKage (group)Kamaro Alliance of Free KnightsKanaa ClanKaraya ClanKnights of the Dragon's DenLizard ClanLoaNameless LandsSafir ClanSanadySix ClansSouthern Frontier Defense ForceTinto RepublicZexen CouncilZexen KnightsZexen script