
Scarlet Moon's Lightning General
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Grenseal (グレンシール, Gurenshīru) is a supporting character in Suikoden who makes a cameo in Suikoden II. During the Gate Rune War, Grenseal is a member of Teo McDohl's Armored Cavalry, along with his colleague Alen.

{{{jpname}}}, {{{roname}}}
108 Stars Chiki Star
Gender Male
Race Human
Age 24 (S1)
27 (S2)
Appears in


Grenseal served as both an officer in the Imperial Army as well as a subordinate of Teo McDohl. His skill with a sword and prowess with the Thunder Rune earned him the nickname "Lightning General." He had a cool personality, remaining perpetually calm and had a good-natured rivalry with his fellow subordinate, Alen. Grenseal's loyalty was to Teo, rather than to the Empire itself.

Childhood and Training

Grenseal, much like Alen, was first inspired to join the Imperial Army at the age of 12 when he was brought to Gregminster to see a victory parade for General Teo McDohl. His parents initially resisted, but his efforts eventually paid off and he was enrolled into the Imperial Academy.

Within six months, Grenseal was recognized as one of the more promising students at the academy. Although his swordsmanship was considered unremarkable, he was fairly proficient with the Lightning Rune and was well liked by his superiors for his studious nature, often seen studying or reading in his spare time.

He was considered cold and standoffish by other trainees though was rarely unpleasant. His attempts at advice often came off as criticism, and soon he was viewed by Alen as a potential rival for an appointment to the Central Army.

No, I don't "want to go to the party tonight". I'm reading about how, like, life is bleak, man, you wouldn't get it.

An argument between the two would provoke Grenseal into improving his swordsmanship as well as his mind, and in the 4th round of a training tournament, Alen would be soundly defeated by Grenseal's more methodical fighting style. Grenseal would handily lose to a senior in the next round, admitting he had only defeated Alen because he knew his temperament so well.

Alen would attempt to rematch Grenseal later that night, only for the two to come to the understanding that they had both been driving the other forward the entire time. More appreciative of each other, the two vowed to do all they could to graduate to the Central Army, a goal they eventually reached.

Gate Rune War

I sacrifice this life to the Empire and to Master Teo.

—  Grenseal

During the Gate Rune War, Grenseal accompanied Teo during his campaign against the Toran Liberation Army. Grenseal was present at the first battle between the Armored Cavalry and the Toran Liberation Army, and, following the rebel's withdrawal, Grenseal was ordered to follow and crush them. After losing a duel to Pahn, an officer of the Toran Liberation Army, Teo changed his orders, telling Grenseal and Alen to withdraw. Though Alen was hesitant to do so, Grenseal did not hesitate to follow Teo's orders.

Grenseal would easily outlive both.

After witnessing the devastation the Fire Spear inflicted to the Armored Cavalry, Grenseal fought onwards with Teo and Alen, pledging that, if need be, he would sacrifice his life to the Scarlet Moon Empire and Teo McDohl. This proved unnecessary, however, as Teo McDohl challenged his son to a duel. Witnessing the duel between father and son, Grenseal rushed to Teo's aid following Teo's defeat.

When Teo told Grenseal that he had a request, Grenseal immediately asked to hear it. Teo claimed that he fought for Emperor Barbarosa out of sheer stubbornness and asked that Grenseal and Alen not to so purely to follow Teo's whims. Teo then revealed that he wished for Alen and Grenseal to join the Toran Liberation Army and aid his son, which, like Alen, Grenseal agreed to do.

Grenseal served the Toran Liberation Army throughout the remainder of the war, serving in Humphrey's unit along with Alen. Following the end of the Toran Liberation War, Grenseal continued to work with Alen, as both were appointed Co-Commanders of the Republican Guard.

Game info




  • Alen and Grenseal have the exact same endings, to the very word, in the English language releases, but the Japanese release gives them two distinct - if similar - endings.
  • Grenseal is the only character in Suikoden to come equipped with a Thunder Rune.


  1. Genso Suikoden Short Story Collection 1 (ISBN 4-8402-1494-8), pages 107-148
  2. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 47


Suikoden II
Characters - Enemies - Equipment - Items - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IIAbizboahAmadaAnitaAydaBadeauxBobBolganCamusChacoCliveEilieFeatherFlikFreed YamamotoFutchGabochaGadgetGantetsuGengenGenshuGeorg PrimeGijimuHai YoHannaHauserHixHoiHumphrey MintzKahn MarleyKarenKasumiKilleyKinnisonKoyuLo WenLong Chan-ChanLorelaiLucMazusMegMiklotovMillieMondoMukumukuNanamiNinaOulanPesmergaRikimaruRinaSasukeSheenaShiloShinShiroSidSierra MikainSigfriedSimone VerdricciStallionTai HoTengaarTomoTsaiTutaValeriaVikiViktorVincent de BouleWakabaYoshino YamamotoZamza
108 Stars (Support) AdlaiAlbertoAlexAnnalleeAppleBarbaraBoris WizenConnellEmiliaFitcherGilbertGordonHansHildaHuanJeaneJessJudeKiba WindamierKlaus WindamierLebranteLeonaMarlowe CodyMaximillianPicoRauraRichmondRidley WizenShuTakiTempletonTenkouTeresa WisemailTessaiTetsuTonyYam KooYuzu
Other playable characters Hero IChucharaJowy AtreidesMakumakuMekumekuMikumikuMokumokuRulodia
City-State characters AnabelleDarellGorudoGranmeyerGustav PendragonLilly PendragonMakaiRevier
Highland characters Agares BlightBeechumCulganHan CunninghamJillia BlightLeon SilverbergLuca BlightLuciaRobert BlightRowdSara BlightSasaraiSeedSolon JheeYuber
Other non-playable characters BonaparteDaisyEllieElzaFu Tan ChenGoetsuGremioGyokuranJinkaiKageKelleyKentKoLeknaatLepantMei MiMillianMina (cat)PilikaPohlRetsoRyukiShikiShun MinSusuYuriZenith
City-State of JowstonHighland KingdomToran Republic
Greenhill Principality Erud ForestForest Village (Deep Forest) • Greenhill City (New Leaf Academy) • Greenhill Forest
Matilda Knightdom Highway VillageMt. RakuteiRockaxe (Rockaxe Castle)
Muse Principality Coronet TownMercenary FortressMuse City (Jowston Hill) • North Sparrow PassRyube VillageSindar RuinsToto VillageWhite Deer Inn
South Window Principality Cave of the WindKuskus TownNew State Army HeadquartersNorth WindowRadat TownSouth Window City
Tinto Principality Crom VillageLampdragon MountainTigermouth VillageTinto CityTinto Mines
Two River Principality Drakemouth VillageKobold VillageLakewestLana RiverTwo River City
Highland Kingdom Kyaro TownL'Renouille (L'Renouille Palace) • Sajah VillageTenzan Pass
Toran Republic Banner ForestBanner MountainsBanner PassBanner VillageGregminster (Gregminster PalaceScarlet Moon Inn) • Rokkaku Hamlet
Events Dragon PlanDunan Unification War (Battle of RockaxeBattle of L'RenouilleThe Last Battle)
Races HumanElfFlying squirrelGriffinKoboldWinged HordeUnicorn
True Runes Beast RuneBlack Sword RuneBright Shield RuneEight Section RuneMoon RuneNight RuneRune of BeginningRune of Life and Death
Terms Black Dragon GroupBlue Drop RuneBlue Moon VillageBorder GuardCircle RuneDunan (region)Dunan MonarchyDunan RepublicDunan RiverFire SpearFree Knights of CamaroGolden Bird Holy Flower Dragon Tooth Glory PunchGordon's MercentileGreenhill PrincipalityGuardian Deity statueHigheastHighland ArmyHikusaakHoly Kingdom of HarmoniaKage (group)KanakanKarakas DesertKaraya ClanKeepers of the FlameLake DunanListening OrbMatilda KnightdomMatilda KnightsMoon Bird RecipeMuse PrincipalityNameless LandsNerekNew State ArmyQueendom of FalenaRoundia HaiaScarlet Moon EmpireSindarinSouth Window PrincipalityTinto PrincipalityTwo River PrincipalityUnicorn BrigadeZexen Federation