I see... You, too, are fighting... Riou... Do you see a better future...?
— Badeaux
Badeaux is a Beastmaster from the Grassland who uses his Rune of Mindfulness to speak with animals. He was first encountered at the Muse-Matilda Border, although he would not talk unless he heard "a voice", that is to mean the voice of an animal.
Trusting the voices of the animals and learning that animals too were fighting, he joined the New State Army, saying he heard the voices of many inside its leader. He then gave two Listening Crystals which allowed the holder to communicate with and recruit animals.
Although Badeaux communicated with animals, he was said to not be good when it came to human relations. He sometimes spent his time on top of the castle feeding the pigeons. His personal favourite creatures were Bon Bons.