Bonapaaaaarte!! Come on out already I won't poke you in the eye anymore!
— Millie
Millie was a young woman in possession of a strange pet creature, Bonaparte. She had caught the creature herself when he was still too young to fight back. Just prior to the Highland Army invasion of the City-States of Jowston, Millie lost Bonaparte in Ryube Village.
The hero agreed to help her find the missing groundhog and eventually found him in Ryube Forest where he had to be subdued in combat before returning to his owner. A grateful Millie then decided to accompany the hero and his companions on their adventure. Her role in the New Alliance Army was a mystery but she could frequently seen at New Alliance Army Headquarters.
Millie always doted on Bonaparte, oblivious to how the strange creature might be viewed by others, declaring him "cute". She also seemed oblivious to Bonaparte's own discomfort and escape attempts. At New Alliance Army Headquarters, she delighted in showing Bonaparte the expansive views of Lake Dunan and would write letters for the Suggestion Box about him also. Sometimes she even slept inside Bonaparte's expansive mouth, much to the shock of Richmond.
Following the Dunan Unification War, Millie decided to travel to the Grasslands in order to find a bride for Bonaparte. She would end up spending part of this journey with Meg, getting caught up in an exhilarating teleporting adventure with Nash, thanks to Viki.
Speak to Millie in Ryube Village and agree to, then complete, her request.