The Fortress of Rakan (ラカンの砦 Rakan no Toride) is a location mentioned in the first Suikoden. It is located in the region of Senan.
ALocated in the Karakas Desert north of Moravia, it was one of the two forts that fortified the border with the City-State of Jowston, along with the Fortress of Duha. It served to monitor City-State activity and to stymie any attacks.
As part of the Toran Liberation Army plan to take Senan and rescue Viktor and Warren from Moravia, Humphrey Mintz was ordered to attack the Fortress of Rakan with the intention of drawing out reinforcements from Moravia in order to allow the castle to be infiltrated by the Liberation Army officers.
When the Imperial forces arrived, Humphrey would fall back and as the Imperial reinforcements returned to Moravia, they would be ambushed by the Jowston army.
- The Fortress of Rakan is never seen and does not have any sprite or indicator on the world map.
- Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), page 298