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Equipment in Suikoden II

Table of all equipment items available in Suikoden II
Revision as of 11:57, 22 March 2025 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Accessories)

This article contains a list of all equipment available in Suikoden II and its equivalent in Suikoden I&II HD Remaster.


Name DEF Other Effects Cap Helm Potch
Bandana +1 50
Leather Hat +2 100
Wind Feather Ornament
(PS1) Feathered Hat
+3 SPD +3, Wind Resistance. 500
Pointed Hat +5 Prevents Balloon status.[1] 1200
(PS1) Circuret
+7 3500
Half Helmet +10 7800
Mole Helmet +12 Prevents Unfriendly status 8500
(PS1) Head Gear
+14 6500
Silver Hat +19 Recovers 5 HP each turn 24000
Full Helmet +20 18200
Wind Hat +24 SPD +7, Wind Resistance 35000
Flame Helmet +30 STR +4, Fire Resistance 42000
Horned Helmet +35 65000
  1. (PS1 bug) Does not prevent Balloon status.


Name DEF Other Effects Heavy Light Gi Robe Potch
Robe +1 100
Tunic +2 200
Fur Coat
(PS1) Leather Coat
+4 700
Chest Plate
(PS1) Brass Armor
+6 1000
Guard Robe +7 MAG +5 1700
Martial Arts Robe
(PS1) Karate Uniform
+10 DEX +5 3000
Leather Armor +14 5900
Chain Mail +16 6500
Ninja Garb
(PS1) Ninja Suit
+17 SPD +15 88000
Half Plate +19 12000
Magic Robe +22 22000
Thunder God's Garb
(PS1) Thunder God Garb
+25 Hit +10, Lightning Resistance 23000
Scale Mail +28 22000
Mole Suit +29 Earth Resistance, prevents Target status. 25000
Dragon Armor +30 23000
Master's Robe
(PS1) Master Robe
+33 Recovers 5 HP each turn[1] 24000
Full Plate +36 26000
Taikyoku Tunic
(PS1) Taikyoku Wear
+40 SPD +10 28000
Master's Garb
(PS1) Master Garb
+45 STR+15, DEX+15 37000
Fog Robe
(PS1) Robe of Mist
+47 Repel Magic (10%), Water Resistance[2] 54000
Earth Armor +49 Prevents statuses, Earth Resistance[3] 37000
Dream Robe +52 Negates attacks 95000
Silver Dragon Armor
(PS1) Silver Armor
+55 Heals 10 HP per turn, Dark Resistance 120000
Knight Armor +58 180000
Blood Armor +62 User takes 15 HP DMG each turn. 165000
Windspun Armor +65 SPD+15, Wind Resistance 210000
  1. (PS1 bug) Also prevents negative statuses and adds Repel Magic +10%.
  2. (PS1 bug) Repel Magic buff affects Master's Robe instead.
  3. (PS1 bug) Prevent statues buff affects Master's Robe instead.


Name DEF Other Effects Potch
Wooden Shield +2 300
Iron Shield
(PS1) Steel Shield
+7 2500
Kite Shield +12 4300
(PS1) Mangosh
+19 Return Stab 1.5x chance 6500
Mole Shield +22 Repel Magic (5%) 8500
Silver Shield +27 Heals 5 HP per turn, Dark Resistance 10000
Chaos Shield +34 17000
Earth Shield +36 Prevents statuses, Earth Resistance 32000


Name DEF Other Effects Male Boy Female Girl Mystery Kobold Winged Potch
Wooden Shoes +1 100
Boots +3 800
Toe Shoes +9 2800
Winged Boots +14 SPD+10 10200
Iron Boots +15 17000
Gloves +2 300
(PS1) Gauntlet
+4 1700
(PS1) Silverlet
+11 7000
Power Gloves +16 STR +15 16500
(PS1) Goldlet
+18 19000
Cape +1 400
Leather Cape +5 1300
Fur Cape +9 3500
Cape of Darkness +12 6800
Deep Crimson Cape
(PS1) Crimson Cape
+14 9000
(PS1) Necklace
+7 1600
Heavy Collar
(PS1) Heavy Necklace
+11 5700
Silver Collar
(PS1) Silver Necklace
+17 Heals 1 HP per turn 20000
Gold Collar
(PS1) Gold Necklace
+21 MDEF +5 32000
Wing Ornament +19 SPD +12 32000
(PS1) Leggings
+2 200
Shoulder Pads +5 2000
Cheek Guards +3 1000
Belt of Strength +6 STR +5 4800
Fire Emblem +7 STR +15, Fire Resistance 3300
Gold Emblem +10 MDEF +10 8500
Blue Ribbon +6 User can't be targeted 6600
Star Earrings +8 Heals 5 HP per turn 1200
Sun Badge +4 Heals 2 HP per turn 3700
Fish Badge +6 Repel Magic (3%) 4300
Rose Brooch +13 14000
Water Amulet +6 Repel Magic (5%), Water Resistance 3800
Lightning Amulet +9 Hit +15, Lightning Resistance 7500
Wind Amulet +12 SPD +10, Wind Resistance 13000
Guard Ring +7 MDEF +10 8500
Magic Ring +7 MAG +15 13000
Speed Ring +10 SPD +15 16000
Power Ring +8 PWR +20 14000
Skill Ring +9 DEX +15 11500
Lucky Ring +12 LCK +20 13000

Character equipment classes

Most battle characters in Suikoden II are compatible with one equipment class for each slot, with the exception of shields which are either accessible or not. If a character's equipment class for that slot matches any of the classes a piece of equipment has, they are able to equip it.

Beast characters, such as Mukumuku, Feather, etc. cannot wear equipment. Characters also have equipment classes even if their starting equipment in that slot is irremovable.

Character Head Body Shield Other
Abizboah ?
Amada Cap Kenpo gi Male
Anita Cap Light armor Shield Female
Ayda Cap Kenpo gi Young female
Badeaux Helmet Heavy armor Male
Bob Cap Kenpo gi Male
Camus Helmet Light armor Shield Male
Chaco Cap Kenpo gi Winged
Chuchara ?
Clive Cap Light armor Male
Feather ?
Flik Cap Light armor Shield Male
Freed Y Helmet Light armor Shield Male
Futch Helmet Light armor Shield Young male
Gabocha Cap Light armor Kobold
Gadget ?
Gantetsu Cap Kenpo gi Male
Genshu Cap Kenpo gi Male
Georg Helmet Light armor Male
Gijimu Helmet Heavy armor Male
Hai Yo Cap Light armor Male
Hanna Helmet Light armor Shield Female
Hauser Helmet Light armor Male
Hix Cap Light armor Shield Male
Hoi Cap Light armor Male
Humphrey Helmet Heavy armor Male
Jowy Cap Light armor Young male
Kahn Helmet Light armor Male
Karen Cap Kenpo gi Female
Kasumi Cap Kenpo gi Female
Killey Cap Light armor Male
Kinnison Cap Light armor Male
Koyu Cap Light armor Young male
Lo Wen Helmet Light armor Female
Long Chan-Chan Cap Kenpo gi Male
Lorelai Helmet Light armor Female
Luc Cap Robe Young male
Makumaku ?
Mazus Cap Robe Male
McDohl Cap Light armor Male
Meg Cap Kenpo gi Young female
Mekumeku ?
Miklotov Helmet Heavy armor Male
Mikumiku ?
Millie Cap Kenpo gi Young female
Mokumoku ?
Mondo Cap Kenpo gi Male
Mukumuku ?
Nanami Cap Kenpo gi Young female
Nina Cap Kenpo gi Young female
Oulan Helmet Light armor Female
Pesmerga Helmet Heavy armor Shield Male
Rikimaru Helmet Light armor Male
Rina Cap Kenpo gi Female
Rulodia ?
Sasuke Cap Kenpo gi Young male
Sheena Cap Light armor Shield Male
Shilo Cap Kenpo gi Male
Shin Cap Light armor Male
Shiro Beast
Sid Cap Kenpo gi Winged
Siegfried ?
Sierra Cap Kenpo gi Female
Simone Cap Light armor Mystery
Stallion Cap Light armor Male
Tai Ho Cap Kenpo gi Male
Tengaar Cap Robe Female
Tomo Cap Kenpo gi Young female
Tsai Cap Kenpo gi Male
Tuta Cap Robe Male
Valeria Cap Light armor Shield Female
Viki Cap Robe Female
Viktor Cap Light armor Male
Vincent Cap Light armor Shield Mystery
Wakaba Cap Kenpo gi Female
Yoshino Cap Kenpo gi Female
Zamza Cap Robe Male

Suikoden II
Characters - Enemies - Equipment - Items - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IIAbizboahAmadaAnitaAydaBadeauxBobBolganCamusChacoCliveEilieFeatherFlikFreed YamamotoFutchGabochaGadgetGantetsuGengenGenshuGeorg PrimeGijimuHai YoHannaHauserHixHoiHumphrey MintzKahn MarleyKarenKasumiKilleyKinnisonKoyuLo WenLong Chan-ChanLorelaiLucMazusMegMiklotovMillieMondoMukumukuNanamiNinaOulanPesmergaRikimaruRinaSasukeSheenaShiloShinShiroSidSierra MikainSiegfriedSimone VerdricciStallionTai HoTengaarTomoTsaiTutaValeriaVikiViktorVincent de BouleWakabaYoshino YamamotoZamza
108 Stars (Support) AdlaiAlbertoAlexAnnalleeAppleBarbaraBoris WizenConnellEmiliaFitcherGilbertGordonHansHildaHuanJeaneJessJudeKiba WindamierKlaus WindamierLebranteLeonaMarlowe CodyMaximillianPicoRauraRichmondRidley WizenShuTakiTempletonTenkouTeresa WisemailTessaiTetsuTonyYam KooYuzu
Other playable characters Hero IChucharaJowy AtreidesMakumakuMekumekuMikumikuMokumokuRulodia
City-State characters AnabelleDarellGordeauGranmeyerGustav PendragonLilly PendragonMakaiRevier
Highland characters Agares BlightBeechumCulganHan CunninghamJillia BlightLeon SilverbergLuca BlightLuciaRobert BlightRowdSara BlightSasaraiSeedSolon JheeYuber
Other non-playable characters BonaparteDaisyEllieElzaFu Tan ChenGoetsuGremioGyokuranJinkaiKageKelleyKentKoLeknaatLepantMei MiMillianMina (cat)PilikaPohlRetsoRyukiShikiShun MinSusuYuriZenith
City-States of JowstonHighland KingdomToran Republic
Greenhill Principality Erud ForestForest Village (Deep Forest) • Greenhill City (New Leaf Academy) • Greenhill Forest
Matilda Knightdom Highway VillageRakutei MountainRockaxe (Rockaxe Castle)
Muse Principality Coronet TownMercenary FortressMuse City (Jowston Hill) • North Sparrow PassRyube VillageSindar RuinsToto VillageWhite Deer Inn
South Window Principality Cave of the WindKuskus TownNew Alliance Army HeadquartersNorth WindowRadat TownSouth Window City
Tinto Principality Crom VillageLampdragon MountainTigermouth VillageTinto CityTinto Mines
Two River Principality Drakemouth VillageKobold VillageLakewestLana RiverTwo River City
Highland Kingdom Kyaro TownL'Renouille (L'Renouille Palace) • Sajah VillageTenzan Pass
Toran Republic Banner ForestBanner MountainsBanner PassBanner VillageGregminster (Gregminster PalaceScarlet Moon Inn) • Rokkaku Hamlet
Events Dragon PlanDunan Unification War (Conquest of MatildaBattle of L'RenouilleThe Last Battle)
Races HumanElfFlying squirrelGriffinKoboldWinged HordeUnicorn
True Runes Beast RuneBlack Sword RuneBright Shield RuneEight Section RuneMoon RuneNight RuneRune of BeginningRune of Life and Death
Terms Black Dragon GroupBlue Drop RuneBlue Moon VillageBorder GuardCircle RuneDunan (region)Dunan MonarchyDunan RepublicDunan RiverFire SpearFree Knights of CamaroGolden Bird Holy Flower Dragon Tooth Glory PunchGordon's MercentileGreenhill PrincipalityGuardian Deity statueHigheastHighland ArmyHikusaakHoly Kingdom of HarmoniaKage (group)KanakanKarakas DesertKaraya ClanKeepers of the FlameLake DunanListening OrbMatilda KnightdomMatilda KnightsMoon Bird RecipeMuse PrincipalityNameless LandsNerekNew Alliance ArmyQueendom of FalenaRoundia HaiaScarlet Moon EmpireSindarinSouth Window PrincipalityTinto PrincipalityTwo River PrincipalityUnicorn BrigadeZexen Federation