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Klaus Windamier

Highland strategist and son of General Kiba Windamier
Revision as of 13:35, 7 September 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "|rojpname" to "|roname")
Klaus Windamier
クラウス・ウィンダミア Kurausu Windamia
Physical Information
Birth Date
SY 442
19 (S2)
Biographical Information
Chikai Star¹
Greg (uncle)
Kiba Windamier (father)
Eliza Windamier (mother)

Klaus Windamier (クラウス・ウィンダミア, Kurausu Windamia) is a character in Suikoden II. Klaus is a tactician who served both the Highland Kingdom and the Dunan Republic.


Please use my humble skills as you see best.

—  Klaus Windamier
Oh give it two or three minutes, Klaus.

Klaus Windamier, the gifted son of Kiba Windamier, showed early admiration for his father, but his slender physique proved unsuitable for military life. Instead, he inherited the appearance and temperament of his mother, often choosing to immerse himself in solitary studies.

At the age of 14, during a patrol with his father, Klaus faced taunts from a soldier about his perceived weakness compared to Kiba. In response, they dueled at night, and Klaus, recognizing his physical disadvantage, cleverly feigned an injury to one eye. Knocking a torch to the ground, he adapted to the darkness and overcame his opponent, revealing a talent for strategic thinking in battles.

Gifted with the Harmonian edition of "Chronicles of Harmonian Heroes" by his uncle Greg, Klaus learned about Soledt, a blind strategist absent from the Highland version of the book. Recognizing the pivotal role strategists played, he sought permission from his mother to enroll at the Soledt Academy in the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia.

Upon returning to Highland, Klaus assumed the role of tactician in the 3rd Royal Highland Company, serving under his father during the Dunan Unification War. Despite his youth, Klaus demonstrated a composed analysis of war situations and offered precise instructions to his troops, skillfully extrapolating the enemy's strategies.

He played a part in the attack on Two River City, attempting to secure the city's surrender through manipulation of internal tensions, and contributed to the capture of South Window Principality. Although talented, he fell short of Shu's mastery and was defeated when Highland forces aimed to seize the New State Army Headquarters, subsequently being taken prisoner by the New State Army.

Upon learning of King Agares Blight's demise, Klaus defected alongside his father and became a strategist for the New State Army. He led troops against Neclord in Tinto Principality, participated in the liberation of Greenhill City, and partook in an assault on Muse City. Despite losing his father near the war's end, Klaus remained devoted to serving the New State Army, refusing to show his pain.

Following the conclusion of the Dunan Unification War, Klaus chose to remain in the Dunan Republic for further military strategist training under Shu. When Shu retired from the position of Chancellor in 461, with Teresa Wisemail assuming the presidency, Klaus assumed the role of Chancellor of the Dunan Republic. He continued to consult Shu on national matters, even after his ascension to the position of Chancellor.



Klaus joins automatically following the war battle with Luca Blight.


War Stats
ATK DEF ATK+ DEF+ Skill 1 Skill 2
-- -- +0 +3 Cavalry Evade

Genso Suikoden Card Stories TCG

Klaus 039
File:Klaus (Booster Pack Vol.1).png Card Info
MIL 500
Klaus 292
File:Klaus (Premium Pack).png Card Info
MIL 500


  • Klaus has normal shaped eyes like his father, they're just closed in his artwork.


  1. Genso Suikoden II 108 Stars Character Guide (ISBN 4-88317-769-6), page 122
  2. Genso Suikoden Short Story Collection 3 (ISBN 4-8402-2015-8)
  3. Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), pages 82-3
  4. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 147
Suikoden II
Characters - Enemies - Equipment - Items - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IIAbizboahAmadaAnitaAydaBadeauxBobBolganCamusChacoCliveEilieFeatherFlikFreed YamamotoFutchGabochaGadgetGantetsuGengenGenshuGeorg PrimeGijimuHai YoHannaHauserHixHoiHumphrey MintzKahn MarleyKarenKasumiKilleyKinnisonKoyuLo WenLong Chan-ChanLorelaiLucMazusMegMiklotovMillieMondoMukumukuNanamiNinaOulanPesmergaRikimaruRinaSasukeSheenaShiloShinShiroSidSierra MikainSiegfriedSimone VerdricciStallionTai HoTengaarTomoTsaiTutaValeriaVikiViktorVincent De BouleWakabaYoshino YamamotoZamza
108 Stars (Support) AdlaiAlbertoAlexAnnalleeAppleBarbaraBoris WizenConnellEmiliaFitcherGilbertGordonHansHildaHuanJeaneJessJudeKiba WindamierKlaus WindamierLebranteLeonaMarlowe CodyMaximillianPicoRauraRichmondRidley WizenShuTakiTempletonTenkouTeresa WisemailTessaiTetsuTonyYam KooYuzu
Other playable characters Hero IChucharaJowy AtreidesMakumakuMekumekuMikumikuMokumokuRulodia
City-State characters AnabelleDarellGordeauGranmeyerGustav PendragonLilly PendragonMakaiRevier
Highland characters Agares BlightBeechumCulganHan CunninghamJillia BlightLeon SilverbergLuca BlightLuciaRobert BlightRowdSara BlightSasaraiSeedSolon JheeYuber
Other non-playable characters BonaparteDaisyEllieElzaFu Tan ChenGoetsuGremioGyokuranJinkaiKageKelleyKentKoLeknaatLepantMei MiMillianMina (cat)PilikaPohlRetsoRyukiShikiShun MinSusuYuriZenith
City-States of JowstonHighland KingdomToran Republic
Greenhill Principality Erud ForestForest Village (Deep Forest) • Greenhill City (New Leaf Academy) • Greenhill Forest
Matilda Knightdom Highway VillageRakutei MountainRockaxe (Rockaxe Castle)
Muse Principality Coronet TownMercenary FortressMuse City (Jowston Hill) • North Sparrow PassRyube VillageSindar RuinsToto VillageWhite Deer Inn
South Window Principality Cave of the WindKuskus TownNew Alliance Army HeadquartersNorth WindowRadat TownSouth Window City
Tinto Principality Crom VillageLampdragon MountainTigermouth VillageTinto CityTinto Mines
Two River Principality Drakemouth VillageKobold VillageLakewestLana RiverTwo River City
Highland Kingdom Kyaro TownL'Renouille (L'Renouille Palace) • Sajah VillageTenzan Pass
Toran Republic Banner ForestBanner MountainsBanner PassBanner VillageGregminster (Gregminster PalaceScarlet Moon Inn) • Rokkaku Hamlet
Events Dragon PlanDunan Unification War (Conquest of MatildaBattle of L'RenouilleThe Last Battle)
Races HumanElfFlying squirrelGriffinKoboldWinged HordeUnicorn
True Runes Beast RuneBlack Sword RuneBright Shield RuneEight Section RuneMoon RuneNight RuneRune of BeginningRune of Life and Death
Terms Black Dragon GroupBlue Drop RuneBlue Moon VillageBorder GuardCircle RuneDunan (region)Dunan MonarchyDunan RepublicDunan RiverFire SpearFree Knights of CamaroGolden Bird Holy Flower Dragon Tooth Glory PunchGordon's MercentileGreenhill PrincipalityGuardian Deity statueHigheastHighland ArmyHikusaakHoly Kingdom of HarmoniaKage (group)KanakanKarakas DesertKaraya ClanKeepers of the FlameLake DunanListening OrbMatilda KnightdomMatilda KnightsMoon Bird RecipeMuse PrincipalityNameless LandsNerekNew Alliance ArmyQueendom of FalenaRoundia HaiaScarlet Moon EmpireSindarinSouth Window PrincipalityTinto PrincipalityTwo River PrincipalityUnicorn BrigadeZexen Federation