L'Renouille Palace (ルルノイエ城, Rurunoie-jō) is a location which appears in Suikoden II. It is located in L'Renouille, the capital city of the former Highland Kingdom.
L'Renouille Palace was the royal palace of the Highland Kingdom. It was a castle that combined the practical defensive nature of a fortress with the grandeur of a palace. The palace was renovated in the year 365, giving it the majestic look and ornate interior it is known for.
The palace collapsed and was destroyed at the end of the Dunan Unification War, along with the Highland Kingdom it represented. It has since become a ruin.
- Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), page 312
- Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 152