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Genso Suikoden IV Music Collection ~Another World~: Difference between revisions

2006 CD arrangement release
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m Text replacement - "}}↵↵{{Track" to "}} {{Track"
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{{Track|1|'''That Dear Person'''<br><small>なつかしいあの人, ''Natsukashī Ano Hito''</small>|03:41}}
{{Track|1|'''That Dear Person'''<br><small>なつかしいあの人, ''Natsukashī Ano Hito''</small>|03:41}}
{{Track|2|'''Elite of the Islands'''<br><small>群島の精鋭, ''Guntō no Seiei''</small>|04:07}}
{{Track|2|'''Elite of the Islands'''<br><small>群島の精鋭, ''Guntō no Seiei''</small>|04:07}}
{{Track|3|'''Landing'''<br><small>上陸, ''Jōriku''</small>|03:36}}
{{Track|3|'''Landing'''<br><small>上陸, ''Jōriku''</small>|03:36}}
{{Track|4|'''Canal Town'''<br><small>運河の街, ''Unga no Machi''</small>|03:25}}
{{Track|4|'''Canal Town'''<br><small>運河の街, ''Unga no Machi''</small>|03:25}}
{{Track|5|'''Seaside Spring'''<br><small>シーサイド・スプリング, ''Shīsaido Supuringu''</small>|06:20}}
{{Track|5|'''Seaside Spring'''<br><small>シーサイド・スプリング, ''Shīsaido Supuringu''</small>|06:20}}
{{Track|6|'''Lalacle's Theme''' (from Quest Guild)<br><small>ララクルのテーマ (クエストギルドより), ''Rarakuru no Tēma (Kuesutogirudo yori)''</small>|03:32}}
{{Track|6|'''Lalacle's Theme''' (from Quest Guild)<br><small>ララクルのテーマ (クエストギルドより), ''Rarakuru no Tēma (Kuesutogirudo yori)''</small>|03:32}}
{{Track|7|'''On a Peaceful Island'''<br><small>静かな島で, ''Shizukana Shima de''</small>|07:04}}
{{Track|7|'''On a Peaceful Island'''<br><small>静かな島で, ''Shizukana Shima de''</small>|07:04}}
{{Track|8|'''Another World (Rhapsodia Melody) ~ Orrizonte'''<br><small>もうひとつの世界 (ラプソディアメロディ)~オリゾンテ, ''Mōhitotsu no Sekai (Rapusodiamerodi)~ Orizonte''</small>|07:01}}
{{Track|8|'''Another World (Rhapsodia Melody) ~ Orrizonte'''<br><small>もうひとつの世界 (ラプソディアメロディ)~オリゾンテ, ''Mōhitotsu no Sekai (Rapusodiamerodi)~ Orizonte''</small>|07:01}}
{{Track|9|'''Hideout Theme'''<br><small>アジトのテーマ, ''Ajito no Tēma''</small>|04:13}}
{{Track|9|'''Hideout Theme'''<br><small>アジトのテーマ, ''Ajito no Tēma''</small>|04:13}}
{{Track|10|'''Canal Town''' (Reprise)<br><small>運河の街 (リプライズ), ''Unga no Machi (Ripuraizu)''</small>|03:22}}
{{Track|10|'''Canal Town''' (Reprise)<br><small>運河の街 (リプライズ), ''Unga no Machi (Ripuraizu)''</small>|03:22}}
{{Track|11|'''A Continental Breeze'''<br><small>大陸の風, ''Tairiku no Kaze''</small></small>|05:22}}
{{Track|11|'''A Continental Breeze'''<br><small>大陸の風, ''Tairiku no Kaze''</small></small>|05:22}}
{{Tracklist footer}}
{{Tracklist footer}}

Latest revision as of 22:31, 12 February 2025

Genso Suikoden IV Music Collection ~Another World~
幻想水滸伝IV 音楽集 ~もうひとつの世界~ Gensōsuikoden IV Ongakushū ~Mōhitotsu no Sekai~
CD case cover
Product Information
Catalog No.
February 23, 2006
1 CD
Staff Information
Takeyasu Hiroshi, Yoshino Yuji
Yoshino Yuji

The Genso Suikoden IV Music Collection ~Another World~ (幻想水滸伝IV 音楽集 ~もうひとつの世界~, Gensōsuikoden IV Ongakushū ~Mōhitotsu no Sekai~) is an arrangement album release containing songs from Suikoden IV and Suikoden Tactics.


This soundtrack was released on February 23, 2006. With no re-releases or reprints, the only opportunity to purchase this soundtrack is through online resellers.

The songs alternate between vocal and instrumental arrangements and also between Suikoden IV and Suikoden Tactics tracks. As such, songs 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are instrumental tracks from Suikoden IV. Meanwhile, songs 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are vocal tracks from Suikoden Tactics. Song 11 is the only instrumental Suikoden Tactics track on the album.

Track List

# Track name Duration
1 That Dear Person
なつかしいあの人, Natsukashī Ano Hito
2 Elite of the Islands
群島の精鋭, Guntō no Seiei
3 Landing
上陸, Jōriku
4 Canal Town
運河の街, Unga no Machi
5 Seaside Spring
シーサイド・スプリング, Shīsaido Supuringu
6 Lalacle's Theme (from Quest Guild)
ララクルのテーマ (クエストギルドより), Rarakuru no Tēma (Kuesutogirudo yori)
7 On a Peaceful Island
静かな島で, Shizukana Shima de
8 Another World (Rhapsodia Melody) ~ Orrizonte
もうひとつの世界 (ラプソディアメロディ)~オリゾンテ, Mōhitotsu no Sekai (Rapusodiamerodi)~ Orizonte
9 Hideout Theme
アジトのテーマ, Ajito no Tēma
10 Canal Town (Reprise)
運河の街 (リプライズ), Unga no Machi (Ripuraizu)
11 A Continental Breeze
大陸の風, Tairiku no Kaze

Suikoden IV
Characters - Enemies - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IVAkaghiAldoAmeriaAxelBartholomewChampoCharlemagneChiepooDarioEugeneFlareFredericaGauGretchenHelgaHelmutHerveyIzakJeaneJeremyJewelKarlKatarinaKateKenethKikaKonradLino En KuldesLo FongLo HakLo SengMaxineMillayMitsubaMizukiNalkulOrnanPabloPaulaRachelReinholdRitaSelmaSchtolteheim Reinbach IIIShiramineSigurdSnowe VingerhutTalTedTravisTrishtanUgetsuVikiWarlockWendel
108 Stars (Support) AdrienneAgnesBangBasilBrecCarrieCedricChadliDeborahDesmondElenor SilverbergEmaEtienneFunghiGarethGaryGunterHarutoIgorJangoKeenKevinLilanLilenLilinLilonLiloonLouiseMaoManuMickyNabokovNalleoNaoNatalyNicoNoahOlegOskarPamPecolaPerraultPhilRakgiRamadaReneRikieSetsuTaisukeTanyaTovYu
Other characters BrandeauColtonCray's sonElven ElderFog Ship GuideGlen CottGovernorGraham CrayLeknaatNa-Nal Island ChiefQueen of ObelRakgi's fatherRominaSchtolteheim Reinbach IITroyVincent Vingerhut
Dukedom of GaienIsland NationsKooluk Empire
Island Nations Deserted IslandDonut IslandEl-Eal FortressFog ShipHermitage IslandIluya IslandLime Shelf IslandKingdom of Obel (Obel Royal PalaceRuins of Obel) • MiddleportMordo IslandMountain Mass IslandNa-Nal Island (Elven SettlementGreat Elven Tree) • Nay Island (Nay-Kobold SettlementStonecutter's Field) • Nest of PiratesRazril
Events Island Liberation War (First EngagementPirate BrandeauRetributionPirate DarioDefending ObelFormer FriendRegaining RazrilBattle Once MoreFor Obel's FreedomMysterious FleetFinal Engagement) • Man-Hunting Incident
Races ElfHumanMermaidNay-Kobold
True Runes Rune of Life and DeathRune of Punishment
Terms Allied ForcesCray Trading CompanyElven RemedyHeadquarters ShipIsland Nations FederationKnights of GaienOrark Maritime TradeRune Cannon
Suikoden Tactics
Party characters Andarc BergmanBlue MercenaryBrandeauBuskCoopCorseliaEdgarKyrilLalacleMercenary LeaderOrnelaPeckRed MercenaryRogetSenecaSimeonWalterYellow Mercenary
Suikoden IV party characters Hero IVAkaghiAmeriaAxelCarrieCedricChampoCharlemagneDarioEmaEugeneFlareFredericaGaryGretchenHerveyJeaneJeremyJewelKarlKatarinaKateKenethKikaLino En KuldesMaxineMillayMitsubaMizukiNalkulNalleoNoahPabloPaulaRachelReinholdReneRitaSelmaSchtolteheim Reinbach IIISigurdSnowe VingerhutTalTrishtanWendelYu
Non-player characters AdrienneHeinzIskasJuliusMartinMirandaNohlRalphSchtolteheim Reinbach IISetsuSteeleYohn
Island Nations FederationKooluk Empire
Island Nations Federation Deserted IslandHermitage IslandIluya IslandKingdom of Obel (Obel Royal PalaceRuins of Obel) • MiddleportNa-Nal IslandNay IslandNest of PiratesRazril
Kooluk Empire Caleron Laboratory (Caleron) • Canal Town MersetoCollanbal RuinsEl-Eal FortressFrontier Town HarunaImperial City of GraskaMido ShallowsSecret Patriarchal FacilitySmall Border VillageTerana PlainsXasta Grassland
Terms Dukedom of GaienElvesEvil EyeHumansImperial FactionIsland Liberation WarIsland NationsIsland Nations FederationKooluk EmpireMan-Hunting IncidentNay-KoboldsPatriarchal FactionRune CannonScarlet Moon Empire
Music and Media of the Suikoden Series
Music releases
Soundtracks SuikodenSuikoden IIGenso Suikogaiden Vol.1Genso Suikogaiden Vol.2Suikoden IIISuikoden IVSuikoden TacticsSuikoden VSuikoden Tierkreis • Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki (Full digital soundtrackPhysical soundtrack selection)
Arrangements Genso Suikoden II Music Collection ~Orrizonte~Genso Suikoden Music Collection Produced by Namba Hiroyuki /Played by Yajuh-OhkokuGenso Suikoden Music Collection Produced by Haneda KentarōGenso Suikoden Vocal Collection ~La passione commuove la storia~Genso Suikoden III Music Collection ~Stirring Wind~Genso Suikoden Piano Collection ~Avertunerio Antes Lance Mao~Genso Suikoden Vocal Collection ~Distant Star: Echoes Of Love~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 2~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Asian Collection~Genso Suikoden Piano Collection 2Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 3~Genso Suikoden IV Music Collection ~Another World~Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Extra SoundtrackGenso Suikoden Arrange Collection Vol.1 ~Vocal & Piano~Genso Suikoden Arrange Collection Vol.2 ~Celtic & Asian~Symphonic Suite "SUIKODEN" ~presented by JAGMO~
Metroberry Genso Suikoden Arrangement Collection Vol. 1 -JAZZ QUARTET-Vol. 2 -LATIN-Vol. 3 -CLASSIC PIANO SOLO-Vol. 4 -BRASS QUARTET-Vol. 5 -FUNK-Vol. 6 -SYMPHONIC PIECE FOR SEXTET-Vol. 7 -SYMPHONIC JAZZ ORCHESTRA-
Drama Drama CD Genso Suikoden Vol.1Drama CD Genso Suikoden Vol.2Drama CD Genso Suikoden II
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