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Allied Forces

The hero's force during the Island Liberation War

The Allied Forces (連合軍, Rengō-gun) were a group of soldiers and other volunteers who fought against the Kooluk Empire during the Island Liberation War in Suikoden IV.


The Allied Forces came together following the occupation of the Kingdom of Obel by the Kooluk Empire. The giant Headquarters Ship which had escaped the Obel occupation as well as its leader, was able to gather together disparate forces from across the region, forming an alliance that was able to fight back against the Kooluk advance.

This war would eventually come to an end with a final battle at the Kooluk southern base of El-Eal Fortress in SY 307. With Kooluk's naval forces broken and the fortress destroyed, a cease-fire was quickly negotiated, ending the war. With the foundation of the Island Nations Federation, the Federation navy would become the authorized military force for the fledgling nation.


The name Allied Forces (連合軍, Rengō-gun) is a generic descriptor used in Suikoden series publications as the name can actually be customized by the player or chosen from two different options, "the Rush" (suggested by Desmond) or named after the hero (as suggested by Akaghi).


  1. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 403
Suikoden IV
Characters - Enemies - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IVAkaghiAldoAmeriaAxelBartholomewChampoCharlemagneChiepooDarioEugeneFlareFredericaGauGretchenHelgaHelmutHerveyIzakJeaneJeremyJewelKarlKatarinaKateKenethKikaKonradLino En KuldesLo FongLo HakLo SengMaxineMillayMitsubaMizukiNalkulOrnanPabloPaulaRachelReinholdRitaSelmaSchtolteheim Reinbach IIIShiramineSigurdSnowe VingerhutTalTedTravisTrishtanUgetsuVikiWarlockWendel
108 Stars (Support) AdrienneAgnesBangBasilBrecCarrieCedricChadliDeborahDesmondElenor SilverbergEmaEtienneFunghiGarethGaryGunterHarutoIgorJangoKeenKevinLilanLilenLilinLilonLiloonLouiseMaoManuMickyNabokovNalleoNaoNatalyNicoNoahOlegOskarPamPecolaPerraultPhilRakgiRamadaReneRikieSetsuTaisukeTanyaTovYu
Other characters BrandeauColtonCray's sonElven ElderFog Ship GuideGlen CottGovernorGraham CrayLeknaatNa-Nal Island ChiefQueen of ObelRakgi's fatherRominaSchtolteheim Reinbach IITroyVincent Vingerhut
Dukedom of GaienIsland NationsKooluk Empire
Island Nations Deserted IslandDonut IslandEl-Eal FortressFog ShipHermitage IslandIluya IslandLime Shelf IslandKingdom of Obel (Obel Royal PalaceRuins of Obel) • MiddleportMordo IslandMountain Mass IslandNa-Nal Island (Elven SettlementGreat Elven Tree) • Nay Island (Nay-Kobold SettlementStonecutter's Field) • Nest of PiratesRazril
Events Island Liberation War (First EngagementPirate BrandeauRetributionPirate DarioDefending ObelFormer FriendRegaining RazrilBattle Once MoreFor Obel's FreedomMysterious FleetFinal Engagement) • Man-Hunting Incident
Races ElfHumanMermaidNay-Kobold
True Runes Rune of Life and DeathRune of Punishment
Terms Allied ForcesCray Trading CompanyElven RemedyHeadquarters ShipIsland Nations FederationKnights of GaienOrark Maritime TradeRune Cannon