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The One Where Setsu Doesn't Slap His Butt

For Obel's Freedom (オベル王国奪回戦, Oberu Ōkoku Dakkaisen, Obel Kingdom Recapture) is a naval battle that occurs in Suikoden IV. It is the ninth such battle of the game.


This battle was an attempt by the Allied Forces, having amassed significant support, to liberate the occupied Kingdom of Obel from the Kooluk Empire.

Before the battle, 2nd Kooluk Fleet commander Colton had planned a strategy of holding reinforcements within Obel's large sea cave (the same one the Headquarters Ship was originally hidden in), in order to launch a pincer attack. However, allied strategist Elenor Silverberg was able to anticipate the plan and communicated through Mizuki with Princess Flare to prevent said reinforcements from being deployed.

Flare's attack prevented the reinforcements from joining their companions, splitting the Kooluk fleet's strength in two. As such, the 2nd Kooluk Fleet was defeated and Colton would be captured by the Allied Forces, resulting in the liberation of Obel.


Allied Forces

Headquarters Ship
本拠地船, Honkyochi-sen

Explore ??
Range ??
Endurance ??
Captain Player assigned
Rune Cannon Player assigned
Fighters Player assigned
Underlings Player assigned
The Grishend
グリシェンデ号, Gurishende-gō

Explore 3
Range 4
Endurance 7
Captain Player assigned
Rune Cannon Player assigned
Fighters Player assigned
Underlings Player assigned
Gaien Ship
ガイエン船, Gaien-sen
Explore 5
Range 3
Endurance ??
Captain Player assigned
Rune Cannon Player assigned
Fighters Player assigned
Underlings Player assigned

2nd Kooluk Fleet

Kooluk Ship A
クールーク船A, Kūrūku-sen A

Explore 4
Range 3
Endurance 5
Captain Colton
Rune Cannon Kooluk Soldier (Lgtn.)
Kooluk Soldier (Water)
Fighters Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Underlings 200
Kooluk Ship B
クールーク船B, Kūrūku-sen B

Explore 4
Range 3
Endurance 3
Captain Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon Kooluk Soldier (Wind)
Kooluk Soldier (Earth)
Fighters Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Underlings 150


  1. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 399
Suikoden IV
Characters - Enemies - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IVAkaghiAldoAmeriaAxelBartholomewChampoCharlemagneChiepooDarioEugeneFlareFredericaGauGretchenHelgaHelmutHerveyIzakJeaneJeremyJewelKarlKatarinaKateKenethKikaKonradLino En KuldesLo FongLo HakLo SengMaxineMillayMitsubaMizukiNalkulOrnanPabloPaulaRachelReinholdRitaSelmaSchtolteheim Reinbach IIIShiramineSigurdSnowe VingerhutTalTedTravisTrishtanUgetsuVikiWarlockWendel
108 Stars (Support) AdrienneAgnesBangBasilBrecCarrieCedricChadliDeborahDesmondElenor SilverbergEmaEtienneFunghiGarethGaryGunterHarutoIgorJangoKeenKevinLilanLilenLilinLilonLiloonLouiseMaoManuMickyNabokovNalleoNaoNatalyNicoNoahOlegOskarPamPecolaPerraultPhilRakgiRamadaReneRikieSetsuTaisukeTanyaTovYu
Other characters BrandeauColtonCray's sonElven ElderFog Ship GuideGlen CottGovernorGraham CrayLeknaatNa-Nal Island ChiefQueen of ObelRakgi's fatherRominaSchtolteheim Reinbach IITroyVincent Vingerhut
Dukedom of GaienIsland NationsKooluk Empire
Island Nations Deserted IslandDonut IslandEl-Eal FortressFog ShipHermitage IslandIluya IslandLime Shelf IslandKingdom of Obel (Obel Royal PalaceRuins of Obel) • MiddleportMordo IslandMountain Mass IslandNa-Nal Island (Elven SettlementGreat Elven Tree) • Nay Island (Nay-Kobold SettlementStonecutter's Field) • Nest of PiratesRazril
Events Island Liberation War (First EngagementPirate BrandeauRetributionPirate DarioDefending ObelFormer FriendRegaining RazrilBattle Once MoreFor Obel's FreedomMysterious FleetFinal Engagement) • Man-Hunting Incident
Races ElfHumanMermaidNay-Kobold
True Runes Rune of Life and DeathRune of Punishment
Terms Allied ForcesCray Trading CompanyElven RemedyHeadquarters ShipIsland Nations FederationKnights of GaienOrark Maritime TradeRune Cannon