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Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 3~

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2004 CD arrangement release
Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 3~
幻想水滸伝 音楽集 ~ケルティックコレクション 3~ Gensōsuikoden Ongakushū ~Kerutikku Korekushon 3~
CD insert cover
Product Information
Catalog No.
Konami Media Entertainment
April 14, 2004
1 CD

The Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 3~ (幻想水滸伝 音楽集 ~ケルティックコレクション 3~, Gensōsuikoden Ongakushū ~Kerutikku Korekushon 3~) is an arrangement album release containing songs from the first three main games of the Suikoden series.


This soundtrack was released on April 14, 2004 and was the third in the Celtic Collection series of arrangement albums. It consists of rearrangements of 13 tracks from Suikoden, Suikoden II, and Suikoden III. With no re-releases or reprints, the only opportunity to purchase this soundtrack is through online resellers.

The songs on this album were performed with a variety of traditional Irish instruments, such as the tin whistle, harp, and violin.

Track List

# Track name Duration
1 Distant Sky
遠い空, Tōi Sora
2 Rock Rockland
ロックロックランド, Rokkurokkurando
3 Adertunerio Antes Lance Mao ~The War Is Over~
Avertuneiro Antes Lance Mao ~戦いは終わった~, Avertuneiro Antes Lance Mao ~Tatakai wa Owatta~
4 Reminiscence
回想, Kaisō
5 A Gathering of Warriors
集いし戦士達, Tsudoishi Senshi-tachi
7 Harvest Festival
豊穣祭, Hōjōsai
8 Toppo, Nei, Shabon Theme
トッポ・ネイ・シャボンのテーマ, Toppo Nei Shabon no Rēma
9 Moonlit Night
月夜のテーマ, Tsukiyo no Tēma
10 Hurry to Karaya!
カラヤに急げ!, Karaya ni Isoge!
11 Currents
Currents, Currents
12 Everyone's Smile ~The 108 Afterwards~
みんなの笑顔 ~108人のその後~, Min'na no Egao ~108-ri no Sonogo~
13 Distant Sky -reprize-
遠い空 -reprize-, Tōi Sora -reprize-

Music and Media of the Suikoden Series
Music releases
Soundtracks SuikodenSuikoden IIGenso Suikogaiden Vol.1Genso Suikogaiden Vol.2Suikoden IIISuikoden IVSuikoden TacticsSuikoden VSuikoden Tierkreis • Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki (Full digital soundtrackPhysical soundtrack selection)
Arrangements Genso Suikoden II Music Collection ~Orrizonte~Genso Suikoden Music Collection Produced by Namba Hiroyuki /Played by Yajuh-OhkokuGenso Suikoden Music Collection Produced by Haneda KentarōGenso Suikoden Vocal Collection ~La passione commuove la storia~Genso Suikoden III Music Collection ~Stirring Wind~Genso Suikoden Piano Collection ~Avertunerio Antes Lance Mao~Genso Suikoden Vocal Collection ~Distant Star: Echoes Of Love~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 2~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Asian Collection~Genso Suikoden Piano Collection 2Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 3~Genso Suikoden IV Music Collection ~Another World~Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Extra SoundtrackGenso Suikoden Arrange Collection Vol.1 ~Vocal & Piano~Genso Suikoden Arrange Collection Vol.2 ~Celtic & Asian~Symphonic Suite "SUIKODEN" ~presented by JAGMO~
Metroberry Genso Suikoden Arrangement Collection Vol. 1 -JAZZ QUARTET-Vol. 2 -LATIN-Vol. 3 -CLASSIC PIANO SOLO-Vol. 4 -BRASS QUARTET-Vol. 5 -FUNK-Vol. 6 -SYMPHONIC PIECE FOR SEXTET-Vol. 7 -SYMPHONIC JAZZ ORCHESTRA-
Drama Drama CD Genso Suikoden Vol.1Drama CD Genso Suikoden Vol.2Drama CD Genso Suikoden II
Promotional Burning Sorrow/PremonitionGenso Suikoden III Music Collection ~Itsuka no Michi~Genso Suikoden III Tokyo Gameshow 2002 Charity Auction CDGenso Suikoden Orgel CollectionGenso Suikoden IV Prelude CDSuikoden Tactics Limited Edition SoundtrackSuikoden V Limited Edition Music CDGenso Suikoden Tierkreis Special Dorama CD