Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Asian Collection~
幻想水滸伝 音楽集 ~エイジアンコレクション~ Gensōsuikoden Ongakushū ~Eijian Korekushon~
Album cover
Product Information
Catalog No.
Konami Music Entertainment

1 CD
The Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Asian Collection~ (幻想水滸伝 音楽集 ~エイジアンコレクション~, Gensōsuikoden Ongakushū ~Eijian Korekushon~) is an arrangement album release containing songs from the first three main games of the Suikoden series.
This soundtrack was released on November 27, 2003. It consists of rearrangements of 12 tracks from Suikoden, Suikoden II, and Suikoden III. With no re-releases or reprints, the only opportunity to purchase this soundtrack is through online resellers.
The songs on this album were performed with a variety of traditional Japanese and Chinese instruments, such as the shakuhachi, shamisen, yokin, shinobue, and niko.
Track List
# | Track name | Duration |
1 | Nahala Yam Koong (South Window BGM) ~From Suikoden II~ ナハーラ・ヤン・クン (サウスウィンドウBGM) ~幻想水滸伝 II より~, Nahāra Yan Kun (Sausuindō BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden II Yori~ |
04:24 |
2 | Withered Lands (Tinto BGM) ~From Suikoden II~ 枯れた大地 (ティントBGM) ~幻想水滸伝 II より~, Kareta Daichi (Tinto BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden II Yori~ |
04:00 |
3 | Labyrinth ~ Penpe 2 (Dungeon BGM) ~From Suikoden II~ 迷宮~PENPE2 (ダンジョンBGM) ~幻想水滸伝 II より~, Meikyū~PENPE 2 (Danjon BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden II Yori~ |
04:59 |
4 | Old Lakeside Castle (Headquarters BGM) ~From Suikoden III~ 湖畔の古城 (本拠地BGM) ~幻想水滸伝 III より~, Kohan no Kojō (Honkyochi BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden III Yori~ |
05:07 |
5 | Amidst the Sunlit Trees (Zexen Forest BGM) ~From Suikoden III~ 木漏れ日の中で (ゼクセンの森BGM) ~幻想水滸伝 III より~, Komorebi no Naka de (Zekusen no Mori BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden III Yori~ |
04:48 |
6 | A Moment of Peace (Antei BGM) ~From Suikoden~ ひとときのやすらぎ (アンティBGM) ~幻想水滸伝 より~, Hitotoki no Yasuragi (Antei BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden Yori~ |
04:47 |
7 | Hurry to Karaya! (Amur Plain Evening BGM) ~From Suikoden III~ カラヤに急げ! (アムル平原・夕刻BGM) ~幻想水滸伝 III より~, Karaya ni Isoge! (Amuru Heigen Yūkoku BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden III Yori~ |
04:54 |
8 | Amid the Stillness (Qlon Temple BGM) ~From Suikoden~ 静けさの中で (クロン寺院BGM) ~幻想水滸伝 より~, Shizukesa no Nakade (Kuron Jiin BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden Yori~ |
03:10 |
9 | Do You Want My Carrots? (From Event "Escape") ~From Suikoden II~ ニンジン、食べるかい? (イベント 「脱出」 より) ~幻想水滸伝 III より~, Ninjin, Taberu Kai? (Ibento 'Dasshutsu' Yori) ~Gensōsuikoden II Yori~ |
04:53 |
10 | A Prideful Folk (Village of the Dwarves BGM) ~From Suikoden~ プライド高き人々 (ドワーフの村BGM) ~幻想水滸伝 より~, Puraido Takaki Hitobito (Dowāfu no Mura BGM) ~Gensōsuikoden Yori~ |
03:43 |
11 | Just a Little Bit Strange (From Event 'Watch Out, Flik') ~From Suikoden~ ヘンテコなテーマ (イベント 「フリック危うし」) ~幻想水滸伝 より~, Hentekona Tēma (Ibento 'Furikku Ayaushi') ~Gensōsuikoden Yori~ |
04:50 |
12 | Reunion (From Suikoden III) 再会 ~幻想水滸伝 III より~, Saikai ~Gensōsuikoden III Yori~ |
04:43 |
Front of the soundtrack case.
CD disc
Back of the soundtrack case.