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The One Where Snowe's Fall From Grace Begins

Former Friend (かつての友, Katsute no Tomo) is a naval battle that occurs in Suikoden IV. It is the sixth such battle of the game.


It's really society's fault, if you want to get down to it.

This battle saw Snowe Vingerhut, who had surrendered to the Kooluk Empire and had been appointed head of its Anti-Pirate Task Force, sent far outside Razril waters to engage the pirate Kika, who had just agreed to an alliance with the hero and Lino En Kuldes. It would later be speculated that Cray Trading Company orchestrated the attack to try and deal a swift blow to emerging resistance in the region, as opposed to any true anti-piracy motivations.

The two forces would clash near the Nest of Pirates. Before the overwhelming force of the newly dispatched Headquarters Ship and the Grishend, famed throughout the Island Nations, the Task Force was swiftly overwhelmed and forced to retreat to Razril.

Snowe's ship would then be driven from Razril after being attacked by fire arrows from citizens furious at Snowe's surrender and collaboration in the Kooluk occupation. Forced back to the sea, Snowe would swiftly be captured by the crew of the Headquarters Ship, only to refuse their overtures and be released.


Hero's Army

Headquarters Ship
本拠地船, Honkyochi-sen

Explore 4
Range 3
Endurance 9
Captain Player assigned
Rune Cannon Player assigned
Fighters Player assigned
Underlings Player assigned
The Grishend
グリシェンデ号, Gurishende-gō

Explore 3
Range 3
Endurance 7
Captain Player assigned
Rune Cannon Player assigned
Fighters Player assigned
Underlings Player assigned

Snowe's Army

Snowe's Ship
スノウ艦, Sunō-kan

Explore 4
Range 3
Endurance 5
Captain Snowe
Rune Cannon Kooluk Soldier (Earth)
Kooluk Soldier (Ltng.)
Fighters Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Underlings 150
Gaien Ship
ガイエン船, Gaien-sen

Explore 3
Range 3
Endurance 5
Captain Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon Kooluk Soldier (Fire)
Kooluk Soldier (Wind)
Fighters Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Kooluk Soldier
Underlings 150


  1. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 406
Suikoden IV
Characters - Enemies - Locations - Runes
108 Stars (Battle) Hero IVAkaghiAldoAmeriaAxelBartholomewChampoCharlemagneChiepooDarioEugeneFlareFredericaGauGretchenHelgaHelmutHerveyIzakJeaneJeremyJewelKarlKatarinaKateKenethKikaKonradLino En KuldesLo FongLo HakLo SengMaxineMillayMitsubaMizukiNalkulOrnanPabloPaulaRachelReinholdRitaSelmaSchtolteheim Reinbach IIIShiramineSigurdSnowe VingerhutTalTedTravisTrishtanUgetsuVikiWarlockWendel
108 Stars (Support) AdrienneAgnesBangBasilBrecCarrieCedricChadliDeborahDesmondElenor SilverbergEmaEtienneFunghiGarethGaryGunterHarutoIgorJangoKeenKevinLilanLilenLilinLilonLiloonLouiseMaoManuMickyNabokovNalleoNaoNatalyNicoNoahOlegOskarPamPecolaPerraultPhilRakgiRamadaReneRikieSetsuTaisukeTanyaTovYu
Other characters BrandeauColtonCray's sonElven ElderFog Ship GuideGlen CottGovernorGraham CrayLeknaatNa-Nal Island ChiefQueen of ObelRakgi's fatherRominaSchtolteheim Reinbach IITroyVincent Vingerhut
Dukedom of GaienIsland NationsKooluk Empire
Island Nations Deserted IslandDonut IslandEl-Eal FortressFog ShipHermitage IslandIluya IslandLime Shelf IslandKingdom of Obel (Obel Royal PalaceRuins of Obel) • MiddleportMordo IslandMountain Mass IslandNa-Nal Island (Elven SettlementGreat Elven Tree) • Nay Island (Nay-Kobold SettlementStonecutter's Field) • Nest of PiratesRazril
Events Island Liberation War (First EngagementPirate BrandeauRetributionPirate DarioDefending ObelFormer FriendRegaining RazrilBattle Once MoreFor Obel's FreedomMysterious FleetFinal Engagement) • Man-Hunting Incident
Races ElfHumanMermaidNay-Kobold
True Runes Rune of Life and DeathRune of Punishment
Terms Allied ForcesCray Trading CompanyElven RemedyHeadquarters ShipIsland Nations FederationKnights of GaienOrark Maritime TradeRune Cannon