Suikoden Tactics Limited Edition Soundtrack
ラプソディア 特典音楽集 Rapusodia Tokuten Ongakushū
Japanese album cover
The Suikoden Tactics Limited Edition Soundtrack (ラプソディア 特典音楽集, Rapusodia Tokuten Ongakushū) is an arrangement album release that was packaged with select preordered editions of Suikoden Tactics in Japan and the United States.
This album was released on September 22, 2005 with select preordered editions of Suikoden Tactics. With no individual releases or reprints, the only opportunity to purchase this album is through online resellers.
The first six tracks contain music from Suikoden Tactics, the next six feature unique arrangements of music from the first four main games of the Suikoden series. The final track is a then-unreleased track from the in-development Suikoden V.
Track List
# | Track name | Duration |
1 | "Rhapsodia" Another World (Rhapsodia Melody) 「Rhapsodia」もう一つの世界(Rhapsodiaメロディ), "Rhapsodia" Mōhitotsu no Sekai (Rhapsodia Merodi) |
00:32 |
2 | Battle Opening 戦いの幕開け, Tatakai no Makuake |
01:37 |
3 | Learning to Fight 戦略を学ぶ, Senryaku o Manabu |
01:14 |
4 | Battle on the Great Plain (Terana Plains BGM) 大平原の攻防(テラナー平原BGM), Taiheigen no Kōbō (Teranā hHeigen BGM) |
02:02 |
5 | A Resting Place on the Journey (Caravan BGM) 旅の休息地(キャラバンBGM), Tabi no Kyūsoku-chi (Kyaraban BGM) |
01:18 |
6 | Quest Guild (Quest Guild BGM) クエストギルド(クエストギルドBGM), Kuesutogirudo (Kuesutogirudo BGM) |
01:06 |
7 | Moonlit Night (New Arrange) 月夜のテーマ(New Arrange), Tsukiyo no Tēma (New Arrange) |
02:08 |
8 | Theme of Narcissism (New Arrange) ナルシーのテーマ(New Arrange), Narushī no Tēma (New Arrange) |
01:17 |
9 | Beginning Theme (New Arrange) はじまりのテーマ(New Arrange), Hajimari no Tēma (New Arrange) |
02:12 |
10 | Rescue Drama (New Arrange) 救出劇(New Arrange), Kyūshutsu Geki (New Arrange) |
02:02 |
11 | Midwinter Land (New Arrange) 極寒の地(New Arrange), Gokkan no Ji (New Arrange) |
02:02 |
12 | Headquarters (New Arrange) 本拠地(New Arrange), Honkyochi (New Arrange) |
02:10 |
13 | Castle of Dawn (Unreleased Track) 黎明の城(未発表), Reimei no Shiro (Mihappyō) |
02:01 |
Case and disc
Album cover
Album insert
Mini CD disc