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Knights of the Dragon's Den

Proud order of dragon riders in western Toran
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The Knights of the Dragon's Den (竜洞騎士団, Ryū Hora Kishidan), more simply referred to as Dragon Knights, are a military order that existed in the Toran region. They are an order of knights who are able to bond with dragons so as to fight on them in battle.


Dragon Knights just want a li'l respect.

Based mainly at the Dragon's Den and Goya Fortress, the Knights of the Dragon's Den had traditionally been granted autonomy by the Scarlet Moon Empire leading to a mutually beneficial relationship. On the one hand, the Empire was able the obtain the services of the Dragon Knights and in return, the Empire would protect the Dragon Knights during the dragon's spawning season where they would otherwise be completely vulnerable.

Dragon Knights had fought in the War of Succession on the side of Barbarossa Rugner. However, as the Empire began to corrupt, relations between the two cooled during the Gate Rune War, especially in light of the attempted poisoning of the dragons in the Dragon's Den. They would align themselves with the Toran Liberation Army for the remainder of the war.

The knights were led by Joshua Levenheit, bearer of the Dragon Rune, with Anos, and later Milia, operating as his Vice-Commander. Since the Gate Rune War, command of the knights and the Dragon Rune has fallen to the hands of Milia. Futch was a member of the Dragon Knights who lost his position with the death of his dragon, Black, but subsequently regained it and his position, eventually rising to Milia's Vice-Commander in turn.

The knights are divided between nine different ranks, ranked from 9th to 1st class. Knight and dragon numbers were always in strict equilbrium through their bonding ceremonies. 9th class Dragon Knights were considered apprentices and was comprised of those who had newly-formed bonds with their dragons.

8th class Dragon Knights were regarded as squires and knight groups usually consisted of three 7th class regular knights and two squires, under the command of a 6th class platoon commander. 5th class Dragon Knights served as company commanders, with each company being made up of three platoons. 4th class Dragon Knights were in turn battalion captains, with a battalion consisting of four companies.

Dragon Knights communicated with one another in flight through the use of hand signals.

The 1st class rank Father of Dragons is a legendary title and perpetually vacant. Therefore, the 2nd class Commander actually leads the knights with the 3rd class knight serving as Vice-Commander. The Vice-Commander would perform various duties on behalf of the Commander who was traditionally unable to leave the fortress. The order as a whole held some 3000 knights.


  1. Genso Suikoden I&II Official World Guide Book (ISBN 4-471-36033-7), page 51
  2. Genso Suikoden Short Story Collection 2 (ISBN 4-8402-1842-0), pages 67-99
  3. Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), pages 133, 163, 271, 305, 306
  4. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, pages 111, 112, 232, 372
Suikoden III
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