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Large region of the western northern continent
Revision as of 08:58, 25 August 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs)

The Grassland (グラスランド, Gurasurando) is a large region that is the focus of Suikoden III. It is also mentioned or explored in Suikoden II and Genso Suikogaiden Vol.2.


The Grassland is a substantial geographical region located mainly to the northwest of the Dunan Republic. It is bordered by the Tinto Republic to the south and the western coast is under the domain of the Zexen Federation, a region considered part of the Grassland geographically but distinct socially. The Holy Kingdom of Harmonia lies to the northeast of the Grassland.

The region is characterized by vast, dry plains, creating an inhospitable and harsh environment for its inhabitants. It is also noteworthy for its position as an axis between three nations, making it a prominent location for trade routes. In the far north, the Grassland is stopped by a mountain range and a series of lakes.


The Grassland lacks a main industry. Its landscape of vast plains offers opportunities for development, but its inhospitable nature hinders significant economic activities. Nonetheless, due to its strategic location and trade routes, it holds importance as a trade hub, with commerce stretching from the Zexen Federation in the west to Muse City in the east.

The tribes in the region historically engaged in looting neighboring regions and trade caravans, with exceptions for those who paid for protection. Although this behavior was tolerated to some extent, tensions between the tribes and the Zexen Federation led to conflicts and skirmishes.


The Grassland has a rich historical background, spreading west from the Tinto Republic and the Matilda Knightdom to the eastern fringes of the Zexen Federation. Numerous self-governing peoples have inhabited this expanse since ancient times, including the Karaya Clan, led by Lucia, and organizations like the Kamaro Alliance of Free Knights.

Non-human races, such as the Duck Clan and Lizard Clan, are also present in the region. The most influential clans form the Six Clans, an informal alliance engaging in diplomacy and, at times, war with neighboring nations.

The Grassland has been coveted by neighboring countries, leading to conflicts and invasions by Tinto City and the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia. In SY 425, a massive Harmonian invasion of the region was repelled through the efforts of the Fire Bringer, particularly the Flame Champion, who is celebrated as the savior of the Grassland.

Over time, the region has faced tensions with the Zexen Federation due to looting expeditions. Skirmishes and conflicts escalated, leading to the War of the Champions in 475. During this war, the Six Clans and the Zexen Federation went to war only to ally against the invasion of the Grassland by the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia.

Other languages and releases

Japanese kanji グラスランド
Japanese romaji Gurasurando
Chinese simplified (HDR) 葛拉斯兰
Chinese traditional (HDR) 葛拉斯蘭
Chinese pinyin Gélāsīlán
English Grasslands
French Grasslands
German Graslande
Italian Praterie
Spanish Grasslands


  1. Genso Suikoden I & II Official World Guide Book (ISBN 4-471-36033-7), page 59
  2. Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), page 83
  3. Genso Suikoden III Official Guide Fastest Strategy Guide (ISBN 4-7571-8123-X), page 7
  4. Marugoto! Genso Suikoden Book (ISBN 978-4-7577-3673-3), pages 102-3
  5. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, pages 147, 249, 298, 822-823
Suikoden III
108 Stars (Battle) AceAilaAlanisAugustine NaborAyameBazbaBeechamBelleBorus RedrumBrightCecileChris LightfellowDukeDupaEdgeElaineEmilyEstellaFranzFred MaximillianFubarFutchGadget ZGauGeddoeHallecHugoJacquesJimbaJokerJuanKenjiKorokuLandisLeo GalanLilly PendragonLucLuciaMelMelvilleMuaNash ClovisNeiNicolasPercival FrauleinPiccoloQueenReedRhettRicoRodyRoland LesaurusRubySalome HarrasSamusSanae YamamotoSarahSasaraiSgt. JoeShabonSharonShibaThomasToppoTutaTwaikinVikiViki (child)Wan FuWatariWilderYuberYuiriYumi
108 Stars (Support) Albert SilverbergAnneAppleArthurBartsBillyCaesar SilverbergDiosDominicEikeElliotErnieGordonGoroGuillaumeHortez VIIIkuJeaneJeffersonKathyKiddLouis KeefersonLuceMamieMarthaMikeMioMutoNadirPeggiScottSebastianShizuYun
Other playable characters ConnieKogoroKoichiKosanjiLulu
Non-player characters Anna LightfellowBrankyBrownErk de ForeverFlame ChampionGalahadGeorge SilverbergGezel HyattHikusaakJohannaLanchetLeknaatLowmaMasked ManMyriamPelizeRickSanaCelestial SwordThomas (youth)WaurenhyteZepon
GrasslandsHoly Kingdom of HarmoniaZexen Federation
Grasslands Alma Kinan VillageAmur PlainAncient HighwayCeremonial SiteChisha VillageDuck VillageFlame Champion's HideawayGreat HollowKaraya VillageKuput ForestMt. Hei-TouNorth Amur PlainRuins of CyndarTablet of StarsYaza Plain
Holy Kingdom of Harmonia Altar of the Mantor TrainersCaleria (Caleria Fortress) • Circle PalaceLe BuqueMountain PathMt. Senai
Zexen Federation Brass CastleBudehuc CastleIksay VillageNorth CavernVinay del Zexay (CouncilSeigal Gate) • Zexen Forest
Events Higheast RebellionWar of the ChampionsZexen Federation Day BallZexen-Grasslands Armistice
Races DuckDwarfElfHumanKoboldLizardWinged Horde
True Runes Circle RuneEight Section RuneNight RuneTrue Earth RuneTrue Fire RuneTrue Lightning RuneTrue Water RuneTrue Wind Rune
Terms Alma KinanBlack Rose SocietyChisha ClanDestroyersDuck ClanDuck HalberdDunan RepublicErk's AdventuresFire BringerGray WorldKage (group)Kamaro Alliance of Free KnightsKanaa ClanKaraya ClanKnights of the Dragon's DenLizard ClanLoaNameless LandsSafir ClanSanadySix ClansSouthern Frontier Defense ForceTinto RepublicZexen CouncilZexen KnightsZexen script