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Revision as of 19:24, 24 January 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs)
Artwork by Kizaki Sub-Zero
Physical Information
38 (S5)
167cm (5'6") (S5)
Biographical Information
Chiyu Star⁴

Oboro (オボロ, Oboro), once known as Shinatsu (シナツ, Shinatsu), is a supporting character in Suikoden V. Oboro is a detective who used to work for Nether Gate as the head of their intelligence division.


I grew up in Nether Gate. The intelligence division, specifically, so I had a lot of opportunities to get to know the outside world. It gave me a lot to think about...

—  Oboro

Oboro is the head of the self-titled Oboro Detective Agency. He renovated a ship to serve as his office, allowing him to travel all over the Queendom of Falena with ease. He is a polite, calm fellow with a high-tension personality.

In the past, he had served as the head of Nether Gate's intelligence division under the name Shinatsu. Feeling guilty for his role in training innocent children to serve as killers for the organization, he agreed with Ferid's proposal to dismantle the organization. He would take Shigure and Sagiri with him, opening the detective agency to allow them to apply their skills in a more ordinary profession. Fuyo was his first client and would also work for them following her case.

During the Sun Rune War, Oboro was asked by the Prince of Falena to investigate the Lordlake Uprising. Following the investigation, he and his companions would agree to work for the Imperial City Recapture Army for the remainder of the war. His hobbies include making business cards and training his assistants, all dubbed Mr. Mouse.

Following the war, he would leave his agency to Fuyo, travelling to Nagarea with the intent of settling things once and for all with the former leaders of Nether Gate hiding out there.


  1. Genso Suikoden V Setting Data, page 86
  2. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 581
Suikoden V
108 Stars (Battle) Hero VAlhazredAxBelcootBergenBernadette EganByakurenCathariCiusCornelioDinnDongoEreshErnstFaylenFaylonFlailGalleonGavayaGenohGeorg PrimeGoeschGundeHazukiIsabelIsatoJeaneJosephineKilleyKisaraKyleLanceLeleiLeviLoggLorelaiLuLunLyonMaroonMathiasMeroonMiakisMiroonMoroonMuroonNakulaNelisNickNifsaraNikeaNormaRahalRavenRichardRoogRoySagiriSharmistaShigureShoonSorensenSubalaUrdaVikiWabonYahrZegaiZeraseZweig
108 Stars (Support) BabbageBastanBoz WildeChisatoChuckCraig LadenEgbert AethelbaldEuram BarowsFuwalafuwaluFuyoHalethHaswarLinfaLucretia MercesLuserina BarowsMarinaMohsenMuellerMuradNordenOboroOrokRajaRaniaRetsoSairohShinroShula ValyaShun MinSilvaTakamuTalgeylTaylorTomaVolgaWasilWilhelmYoranZunda
Other playable characters FaSoLaLaTiDoMiFaSoReMiFaSialeedsSoLaTi
Other characters AleniaAlison BarowsArshtat FalenasBahram LugerChilderichDe BeersDilber NovumDolphDonna WildeElmelarkElsieFalzrahmFeridGizel GodwinHaladHiram BarowsJalatJidan GuisuKaussKeith WildeKhorshedKurtz WildeLeknaatLymsleia FalenasMaha SparnaMardasMarscal GodwinOlhazetaRodney Rondot RovereRosalind GodwinSalisha RaulbelSalum BarowsSanjiShahrewarShamshirSkald EganSolis RaulbelZahhak
Island Nations FederationKingdom of ZelantNagareaNew Armes KingdomQueendom of Falena
North Falena AlseidAshtwal MountainsEast PalaceFeitas RiverFounder's SiteLunasRaftfleetSol-Falena (Sun Palace) • West Palace
West Falena DoraatHershville Naval BaseStormfist (Arena) • Western Woods
East Falena Agate PrisonBig HoleCeras Lake HeadquartersCeras Lake RuinsEstriseHaud VillageNirva Island (Ship Graveyard) • Rainwall (Barows Mansion) • Revolving BridgeYashuna Village
South Falena Baska MineBeaver LodgeDeep Twilight ForestDragon Horse LairDwarf CampGordiusHatred FortressLelcarLordlakePort SpinacksRanro MountainSableSauronix Castle
Events Armes InvasionLordlake UprisingQueen's AssassinationRoyal Family Succession ConflictSun Rune War
Races BeaverCave dwarfDragon horseElfHuman
Three Runes of Falena Dawn RuneSun RuneTwilight Rune
Terms Ancient Armes DynastyArmes Southern Mountain CorpsArmes Western Marine CorpsBarows FactionDahakDark ArcanumElmelark (ship)Falenan Royal NavyGodwin FactionGreat EarthquakeImperial City Recapture ArmyIsland NationsKingdom of ObelKulsasperLindwurm Mercenary BrigadeLino En Kuldes (ship)Nether GateNew Capital CalendarQueen's KnightsRaging NostrumRune CannonSacred GamesSAPPHIREStrait of Scardi