Zunda: Difference between revisions

Window enthusiast and responsible cave dwarf
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m (Text replacement - "|japanese_name" to "|jpname")
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|name = Zunda
|name = Zunda
|japanese_name= ズンダ
|jpname= ズンダ
|romaji_name = Zunda
|roname = Zunda
|star = Chiri Star
|star = Chiri Star
|img = Zunda
|img = Zunda
|caption = Fujita Kaori
|art = Fujita Kaori
|gender = Female
|gender = Female
|race = Cave dwarf
|race = Cave dwarf

Latest revision as of 17:17, 7 September 2023

Zunda (ズンダ, Zunda) is a minor character in Suikoden V. Zunda is the gruff and responsible, perhaps the only responsible, cave dwarf of Falena's Dwarf Camp.

ズンダ, Zunda
108 Stars Chiri Star

Illustration Fujita Kaori
Gender Female
Race Cave dwarf
From Dwarf Camp
Appears in


Zunda is one of the cave dwarves living in the Dwarf Camp. Zunda's responsibility lies in preventing cave-ins as well as in the creation of 'air holes' in the caverns that are dug by the male cave dwarves. She took on this job because dwarven men usually are so obsessed with their work that they are known to pass out from lack of air from time to time. Because of how well she takes care of all the dwarves, they all refer to her as 'Sis' as a sign of affection.

During the Sun Rune War, Zunda demanded that the Prince show her an example of human windows, something she was not all that familiar with. She became so interested in them that she joined the Imperial City Recapture Army in order to study windows better. Initially she had little respect for humans, typically referring to everyone as just 'human', but her attitude would gradually change over the course of the war.

Following the war, Zunda became the dwarven leader since she reasoned that none of the men were responsible enough to take such a role seriously.


  1. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 617
Suikoden V
108 Stars (Battle) Hero VAlhazredAxBelcootBergenBernadette EganByakurenCathariCiusCornelioDinnDongoEreshErnstFaylenFaylonFlailGalleonGavayaGenohGeorg PrimeGoeschGundeHazukiIsabelIsatoJeaneJosephineKilleyKisaraKyleLanceLeleiLeviLoggLorelaiLuLunLyonMaroonMathiasMeroonMiakisMiroonMoroonMuroonNakulaNelisNickNifsaraNikeaNormaRahalRavenRichardRoogRoySagiriSharmistaShigureShoonSorensenSubalaUrdaVikiWabonYahrZegaiZeraseZweig
108 Stars (Support) BabbageBastanBoz WildeChisatoChuckCraig LadenEgbert AethelbaldEuram BarowsFuwalafuwaluFuyoHalethHaswarLinfaLucretia MercesLuserina BarowsMarinaMohsenMuellerMuradNordenOboroOrokRajaRaniaRetsoSairohShinroShula ValyaShun MinSilvaTakamuTalgeylTaylorTomaVolgaWasilWilhelmYoranZunda
Other playable characters FaSoLaLaTiDoMiFaSoReMiFaSialeedsSoLaTi
Other characters AleniaAlison BarowsArshtat FalenasBahram LugerChilderichDe BeersDilber NovumDolphDonna WildeElmelarkElsieFalzrahmFeridGizel GodwinHaladHiram BarowsJalatJidan GuisuKaussKeith WildeKhorshedKurtz WildeLeknaatLymsleia FalenasMaha SparnaMardasMarscal GodwinOlhazetaRodney Rondot RovereRosalind GodwinSalisha RaulbelSalum BarowsSanjiShahrewarShamshirSkald EganSolis RaulbelZahhak
Island Nations FederationKingdom of ZelantNagareaNew Armes KingdomQueendom of Falena
North Falena AlseidAshtwal MountainsEast PalaceFeitas RiverFounder's SiteLunasRaftfleetSol-Falena (Sun Palace) • West Palace
West Falena DoraatHershville Naval BaseStormfist (Arena) • Western Woods
East Falena Agate PrisonBig HoleCeras Lake HeadquartersCeras Lake RuinsEstriseHaud VillageNirva Island (Ship Graveyard) • Rainwall (Barows Mansion) • Revolving BridgeYashuna Village
South Falena Baska MineBeaver LodgeDeep Twilight ForestDragon Horse LairDwarf CampGordiusHatred FortressLelcarLordlakePort SpinacksRanro MountainSableSauronix Castle
Events Armes InvasionLordlake UprisingQueen's AssassinationRoyal Family Succession ConflictSun Rune War
Races BeaverCave dwarfDragon horseElfHuman
Three Runes of Falena Dawn RuneSun RuneTwilight Rune
Terms Ancient Armes DynastyArmes Southern Mountain CorpsArmes Western Marine CorpsBarows FactionDahakDark ArcanumElmelark (ship)Falenan Royal NavyGodwin FactionGreat EarthquakeImperial City Recapture ArmyIsland NationsKingdom of ObelKulsasperLindwurm Mercenary BrigadeLino En Kuldes (ship)Nether GateNew Capital CalendarQueen's KnightsRaging NostrumRune CannonSacred GamesSAPPHIREStrait of Scardi