Pachisuro Gensōsuikoden

i-mode/Yahoo! mobile

Pachislot Genso Suikoden (パチスロ「幻想水滸伝」, Pachisuro Gensōsuikoden) is the thirteenth installment of the Suikoden series and is a pachislot machine. Pachislot is a type of Japanese slot machine, based on, but not the same as, pachinko.
It is essentially a retelling of the events of Suikoden IV. By law, for the most part, gaming machines in Japanese parlors must be cycled out every two years. A mobile port of the game was released on June 1, 2011, for i-mode and Yahoo! mobile devices.
The game was first revealed on November 2, 2010, with a sneak preview of Pachislot Genso Suikoden being shown at Konami Parlor Entertainment's Tokyo showroom. The machine itself would come into circulation on January 17, 2011.
The setting of Pachislot Genso Suikoden is that of Suikoden IV, namely the Island Nations. As Razro, you travel the region, gathering allies in your fight against the Kooluk Empire and their commander, Troy. Along the way you can encounter and ally with the pirate gang of Lady Kika, and also receive assistance from Mitsuba, Jeane, and Viki.
Unlike some other KPE-produced pachislots, there is no strong narrative to the game beyond the initial story outline. The goal is to merely obtain real-life tokens to exchange for prizes at your pachislot parlor. The ultimate goal may be said to defeat Troy, but the game will merely loop when that is accomplished, though you will be gifted a bonus for succeeding.
The game starts out at one of several possible stages. During this section of the game, the reels can be constantly spun all the while and several random events can happen, each with different effects.
"ART" is an abbreviation for "Assist Replay Time". During this mode, the chance of winning is higher than normal. In Pachislot Genso Suikoden, ART can be activated through the collection of runes, gained through successful spins.
By 2013, in accordance with Japanese gaming law, most Pachislot Genso Suikoden machines would be cycled out of parlors nationwide.
Front of a Pachislot Genso Suikoden informational leaflet
Folded interior of a Pachislot Genso Suikoden informational leaflet
Left unfolded interior of a Pachislot Genso Suikoden informational leaflet
Right unfolded interior of a Pachislot Genso Suikoden informational leaflet
Rear of a Pachislot Genso Suikoden informational leaflet