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Featherfolk "princess" from 200 years ago
Revision as of 10:56, 20 June 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Diriri (portrait)" to "Diriri (HT PSP portrait)")
Artwork by Ōtsuki Beruno
Physical Information
Biographical Information
Chiin Star¹
HIY 100

Diriri (ディーリーリ, Dīrīri) is a supporting character in Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki. Diriri is a featherfolk jongleur, known as the "princess" of her people.


It wasn't right that only the featherfolk could flee and be protected.

—  Diriri

The daughter of the featherfolk chief of the time, Diriri was respected as the "Princess" of the featherfolk. She had fought in the HIY 100 Teras Pharma conflict, earning the respect of Astrid and combating the stereotype of featherfolk as skittish cowards.

She had been inspired to stand against the Teras Pharma and her own timidness by the leadership of Astrid, and so held a great respect for the empress. When Astrid directed the hero to Diriri for assistance, Diriri was all too willing to believe their story of time travel, because Astrid had said it was true.

Noticing Meamei traveling with the party without fear also convinced Diriri of the truth of the matter. Grateful to hear how, in the future, the featherfolk would stand again and again against the Teras Pharma, following her example, she passed on her jongleur technique to Meamei.

Following Renefarious' defeat by Astrid, Diriri continued to work hard to preach the importance of courage to those featherfolk clinging to fear. However, in the branch of the Infinity where the chains of causality were broken, she instead managed to convince over half of her people that the time for bravery was now, and the group formed a migrant caravan, leaving Gugleion.

Game info


Speak to Astrid at Behemoth Grave (200 Years Ago) with a featherfolk in your party (Bhutruga, Guilleriga, or Meamei). Travel to Tourmarie (200 Years Ago) and approach the hut with Meamei in your party.


Star Skill
Class Class Skill Inherit
Jongleur Heroic Scherzo Meamei


  1. Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki The Complete Guide (ISBN 978-4-04-886462-6), page 233
Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki
108 Stars (present) HeroBhutrugaBjornBoldonCadmusDucasEphilErmioneForneGinoGonbosrenGuillerigaGuwainiIlia BarcaiJagwanJansenJudielaLaskaris LiuisLulusaLuseriMeameiMoudiMyraNajinNidoNoderryNumistroOuyaRegiusRistilScharffSunilTserendrumUtzeZaveedZephon
108 Stars (100 years ago) BadamhatanBeagaBelthaBerenique NobiliousChamjinChikuraDagzumaGerelGoseHeidrakeIngolfIrinKauriyaKersiusKookaburraMazarika ZaphirMephitisMezwarMudogaraMuiNelvanNimaOlmarPollockRolf LaugRujinSorabThorwad AlbreckTrimalchioSuomjinWafdiWanWarrgYaguas LiuisYofeurs
108 Stars (200 years ago) AmoryAstridCleionDiririDomitiaEnhebatFridikaHortensiusHuguesJandakKetilKiaroLaquilaLetheMaximus ZaphirMoslomas LiuisMyrielNarishuyaNeisaNikumbaNolbanos NobiliousNumaOdoPeljidRadninRodricSatiyakaSau JinSeu JinSiu JinSou JinSuu JinSyldisTarascio LucioUfredYowinnYuyudraya
Non-playable characters Aaron BarcaiBazarte LugamDamdinDilom LancesHagar BiarkiLatiere RochLugat LugamMachia ZaphirNeosQuinelia LiuisRenefarious XIIIRochelle KollekSyggni AlbreckToryggZoxiom
Coutan RepublicHoly Empire of IoniaYuga
Eastern provinces Eastern RoadEpat BridgeLake FortressLake ValleyLucille PlainMountain CavernMt. OroskOrosk VillageRalos WoodsSchradtTherbe VillageWyvern Nest
Northern provinces FairpeakGugleionHioni VillageHodos VillageMartylionMartylion WastesMelisma PrairieMt. Hioni (Glacial Cave) • Perie GroveSidas ForestTios FortressTourmarieUnderground RuinsWest Mt. Hioni
Southern provinces AchlitesApiro DesertApiro HillsBayan OasisBehemoth GraveGreat Wall of AchlitesPeft RuinsZephtelos Fortress
Inner Ionia Floating Fortress of TorgiaHoly City of Thaksis (Yggdrasilian Palace) • Mt. Plegate (House of Wisdom) • Nabarre East CoastPort Town NabarreRiolta PlainsGreat BridgeSouthern HighwaySkrilo MarshTower of Zoe
Races FeatherfolkHumanRefiantScalehorde
Terms 108 StarsBarrierBlue Flash StyleCentennial monstersCoutanese peopleEra TreeEra Tree saplingGrubsHoly Imperial calendarInfinityOrder of the Gilded LeafMagiciteMaliciteMemento DaggerMountain RootsProhibited documentsShipTeras PharmaTrue Era TreeVermilion AxeWyvernYuga people