Era Tree saplings (時代樹, Jidai-ju no naegi) are an item in Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki. Planting these items in select locations will grow a new Era Tree expanding the areas the player can explore throughout the game.

Each Era Tree produces only one sapling. Zephon first gave a sapling to the hero and Myra from the Era Tree located at the Lake Fortress near Therbe Village. By giving these saplings to trusted confidants in the past the range of areas the Company was able to travel to gradually increased.
Era Tree saplings grew rapidly into grown Era Trees, the process apparently taking a matter of days. Like the Era Tree itself, outside of its rapid growth and eventual ability to allow certain people to travel through time it had no unusual properties or appearance and could be destroyed or lost like any common sapling.
It is not known where Zephon obtained the very first sapling used to plant the Lake Fortress Era Tree though it may have come from the original Era Tree located within the Yggdrasilian Palace. It is also not confirmed where the sapling for the Era Tree at Zephtelos Fortress in HIY 100 came from or who planted it.
- Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki The Complete Guide (ISBN 978-4-04-886462-6), page 240