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Scalehorde mercenary and friend of Syggni
Revision as of 21:38, 24 January 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs)
Artwork by Ōtsuki Beruno
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Tensyo Star¹
HIY 300

Tserendrum (ツェレンドラム, Tsuerendoramu) is a supporting character in Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki. She is a scalehorde mercenary and old comrade of Syggni Albreck.


I still don't know a better swordsman than her. She was my friend, my rival, and my goal.

—  Tserendrum

Tserendrum was a scalehorde mercenary who was old friends with Syggni Albreck. The two fought and trained together, and Tserendrum evidentially felt great fondness towards her. When Regius raised the possibility of Syggni's involvement with a Vermilion Axe precursor, Tserendrum would fiercely refuse to even consider the possibility.

She was a skilled swordswoman in scalehorde swordsmanship, focusing on utilizing scalehorde strength to swing the sword akin to a cudgel. She was also considered one of the most beautiful women, by scalehorde standards.

When Tserendrum heard of Syggni's death, she would travel to the Martylion Wastes, where she heard Syggni collapsed, and erected a small memorial marker which she occasionally visited. During one such visit, she would meet Syggni's son and explained what little she knew of Syggni's death.

She would then challenge the hero to a duel, wanting to know if he was truly capable to standing against the Vermilion Axe, following in his mother's footsteps. After being defeated, Tserendrum agreed to work with the hero as she had intended to work as a mercenary under the Ionian 3rd Branch in order to fight the Vermilion Axe but distrusted the Ionians.

At the lake fortress, Tserendrum would tutor Ducas in the ways of scalehorde swordsmanship. She also learned martial arts from Jagwan, the two sparking off each other with their forthright personalities. She also continued to encourage the hero, advising him to look inside himself to discover his reasons for pursuing strength and praising his determination and potential.

Following the fall of the barrier, Tserendrum would leave her clan and continued to travel alone. It seems that she returned to the stone mound commemorating Syggni near Martylion every few years.


  1. Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki The Complete Guide (ISBN 978-4-04-886462-6), page 211
Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki
108 Stars (present) HeroBhutrugaBjornBoldonCadmusDucasEphilErmioneForneGinoGonbosrenGuillerigaGuwainiIlia BarcaiJagwanJansenJudielaLaskaris LiuisLulusaLuseriMeameiMoudiMyraNajinNidoNoderryNumistroOuyaRegiusRistilScharffSunilTserendrumUtzeZaveedZephon
108 Stars (100 years ago) BadamhatanBeagaBelthaBerenique NobiliousChamjinChikuraDagzumaGerelGoseHeidrakeIngolfIrinKauriyaKersiusKookaburraMazarika ZaphirMephitisMezwarMudogaraMuiNelvanNimaOlmarPollockRolf LaugRujinSorabThorwad AlbreckTrimalchioSuomjinWafdiWanWarrgYaguas LiuisYofeurs
108 Stars (200 years ago) AmoryAstridCleionDiririDomitiaEnhebatFridikaHortensiusHuguesJandakKetilKiaroLaquilaLetheMaximus ZaphirMoslomas LiuisMyrielNarishuyaNeisaNikumbaNolbanos NobiliousNumaOdoPeljidRadninRodricSatiyakaSau JinSeu JinSiu JinSou JinSuu JinSyldisTarascio LucioUfredYowinnYuyudraya
Non-playable characters Aaron BarcaiBazarte LugamDamdinDilom LancesHagar BiarkiLatiere RochLugat LugamMachia ZaphirNeosQuinelia LiuisRenefarious XIIIRochelle KollekSyggni AlbreckToryggZoxiom
Coutan RepublicHoly Empire of IoniaYuga
Eastern provinces Eastern RoadEpat BridgeLake FortressLake ValleyLucille PlainMountain CavernMt. OroskOrosk VillageRalos WoodsSchradtTherbe VillageWyvern Nest
Northern provinces FairpeakGugleionHioni VillageHodos VillageMartylionMartylion WastesMelisma PrairieMt. Hioni (Glacial Cave) • Perie GroveSidas ForestTios FortressTourmarieUnderground RuinsWest Mt. Hioni
Southern provinces AchlitesApiro DesertApiro HillsBayan OasisBehemoth GraveGreat Wall of AchlitesPeft RuinsZephtelos Fortress
Inner Ionia Floating Fortress of TorgiaHoly City of Thaksis (Yggdrasilian Palace) • Mt. Plegate (House of Wisdom) • Nabarre East CoastPort Town NabarreRiolta PlainsGreat BridgeSouthern HighwaySkrilo MarshTower of Zoe
Races FeatherfolkHumanRefiantScalehorde
Terms 108 StarsBarrierBlue Flash StyleCentennial monstersCoutanese peopleEra TreeEra Tree saplingGrubsHoly Imperial calendarInfinityOrder of the Gilded LeafMagiciteMaliciteMemento DaggerMountain RootsProhibited documentsShipTeras PharmaTrue Era TreeVermilion AxeWyvernYuga people