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Taciturn archer and descendant of the ruined Hioni Village
Revision as of 19:01, 24 January 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs)
Artwork by Ōtsuki Beruno
Physical Information
Biographical Information
Tenfu Star
HIY 300

Luseri (リュセリ, Ryuseri) is a major character in Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki. She is a skilled hunter and archer who resents the Holy Empire of Ionia for destroying her ancestral home 100 years ago.


I was told my ancestors were survivors of this village. That's why I came to see. I didn't realize how bad it was.

—  Luseri

Luseri was a skilled hunter whose ancestors lived in Hioni Village. As such, she held a strong resentment against the Holy Empire of Ionia for their destruction of the village a century prior. Despite this resentment and speaks brusque manner of speaking, she was actually quite sensitive and held a strong sense of justice.

When the hero's company pursued the Vermilion Axe to Mt. Hioni, they found Luseri in the ruins of the village. She had traveled to the site of the village to see how her ancestors had lived but could gleam nothing from the desolation. As such, she refused to help in the pursuit of the Vermilion Axe.

The group would have an Era Tree planted in the past, allowing them to take Luseri to the Hioni Village of HIY 200. Initially skeptical, Luseri changed her mind after meeting the hero Heidrake. She would fight alongside him to protect the village from the approaching Ionian force.

Returning to the present, and the restored Hioni Village, Luseri would gratefully lead the hero's company after the trail of the Vermilion Axe. Shocked and apologetic that the Vermilion Axe trail turned out to be a deliberate trap set for the hero in the Glacial Cave, she would fight alongside the hero from that point on.

As the war progressed, it became clear that Luseri had developed a crush on the hero. She was highly emotional when it came to anyone disparaging him, entrenching her disdain for Ionia. At the lake fortress, she would study the musical arts under Jansen, with the jongleur reasoning that her skills in one stringed instrument would apply to another. She also helped to tutor Myra in archery. Luseri was also a capable seamstress, having to repair her own clothing. Ilia would ask for lessons, a request Luseri agreed to.

Following the final battle at the Yggdrasilian Palace, she accompanied the hero's eastern migrant caravan, never settling down and instead exploring the forests and mountains. In the branch of the Infinity where the chains of causality were broken, she accompanied the hero to the new continent where she was in charge of surveying the terrain and vegetation around the port town, showing her true colors as a hunter.

Game info


File:Luseri (portrait).png Joins automatically at Mt. Hioni.
Level Race Gender
20 Human Female

Battle Bonds

Character Friendship
Hero 90
Myra 70
Ilia 50
Ducas 40
Boldon 40
Meamei 50
Luseri -
Regius 50
Bhutruga 50
Character Friendship
Tserendrum 50
Moudi 50
Ermione 40
Zephon 50
Guilleriga 50
Laskaris 40
Zaveed 30
Jagwan 50
Jansen 50


Class Details
Class Class Skill Sub Class Sub Class Partner
Archer Shadow Stitch Jongleur Jansen


Starting Equipment
Weapon Short Bow
Body Miner Clothes
Boots Leather Boots
Ring 1 --
Ring 2 --
Equipment Type
Weapon Bow
Body Light Armor


Stat Grades
Stat Growth Rate
1 408 79 26 34 282 121
20 658 127 40 56 309 195
60 1186 230 76 101 365 352
99 1700 330 110 145 420 505


  1. Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki The Complete Guide (ISBN 978-4-04-886462-6), page 198
Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki
108 Stars (present) HeroBhutrugaBjornBoldonCadmusDucasEphilErmioneForneGinoGonbosrenGuillerigaGuwainiIlia BarcaiJagwanJansenJudielaLaskaris LiuisLulusaLuseriMeameiMoudiMyraNajinNidoNoderryNumistroOuyaRegiusRistilScharffSunilTserendrumUtzeZaveedZephon
108 Stars (100 years ago) BadamhatanBeagaBelthaBerenique NobiliousChamjinChikuraDagzumaGerelGoseHeidrakeIngolfIrinKauriyaKersiusKookaburraMazarika ZaphirMephitisMezwarMudogaraMuiNelvanNimaOlmarPollockRolf LaugRujinSorabThorwad AlbreckTrimalchioSuomjinWafdiWanWarrgYaguas LiuisYofeurs
108 Stars (200 years ago) AmoryAstridCleionDiririDomitiaEnhebatFridikaHortensiusHuguesJandakKetilKiaroLaquilaLetheMaximus ZaphirMoslomas LiuisMyrielNarishuyaNeisaNikumbaNolbanos NobiliousNumaOdoPeljidRadninRodricSatiyakaSau JinSeu JinSiu JinSou JinSuu JinSyldisTarascio LucioUfredYowinnYuyudraya
Non-playable characters Aaron BarcaiBazarte LugamDamdinDilom LancesHagar BiarkiLatiere RochLugat LugamMachia ZaphirNeosQuinelia LiuisRenefarious XIIIRochelle KollekSyggni AlbreckToryggZoxiom
Coutan RepublicHoly Empire of IoniaYuga
Eastern provinces Eastern RoadEpat BridgeLake FortressLake ValleyLucille PlainMountain CavernMt. OroskOrosk VillageRalos WoodsSchradtTherbe VillageWyvern Nest
Northern provinces FairpeakGugleionHioni VillageHodos VillageMartylionMartylion WastesMelisma PrairieMt. Hioni (Glacial Cave) • Perie GroveSidas ForestTios FortressTourmarieUnderground RuinsWest Mt. Hioni
Southern provinces AchlitesApiro DesertApiro HillsBayan OasisBehemoth GraveGreat Wall of AchlitesPeft RuinsZephtelos Fortress
Inner Ionia Floating Fortress of TorgiaHoly City of Thaksis (Yggdrasilian Palace) • Mt. Plegate (House of Wisdom) • Nabarre East CoastPort Town NabarreRiolta PlainsGreat BridgeSouthern HighwaySkrilo MarshTower of Zoe
Races FeatherfolkHumanRefiantScalehorde
Terms 108 StarsBarrierBlue Flash StyleCentennial monstersCoutanese peopleEra TreeEra Tree saplingGrubsHoly Imperial calendarInfinityOrder of the Gilded LeafMagiciteMaliciteMemento DaggerMountain RootsProhibited documentsShipTeras PharmaTrue Era TreeVermilion AxeWyvernYuga people