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Suikoden Tierkreis critical plot element
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Chronicles (書, Sho) are a major item and plot element in both Suikoden Tierkreis and Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Hoshikuzu no Shiro. They are objects that hold the entire history of their world, past, present and future.


Every world in the Infinity apparently has a Chronicle, which contains the natural history of the world, from beginning to end. These Chronicles usually contain records of natural disasters and such. They do not contain records of human activities or actions, as the Chronicles do not exist to define sentient creatures in such a manner.

Chronicles have been found and researched by humans many times. The Magedom of Janam and the United Kingdom of Ritterschild in particular greatly increased their magic and technological prowess through research into their respective Chronicles. The Kingdom of Astrasia was also able to improve their smithing technique through careful research.

People who can gleam knowledge from Chronicles are referred to as Readers. Being a Reader is apparently related to holding the Mark of the Stars and, thus, tied to being a Starbearer.

A Chronicle in its own world is generally referred to as a True Chronicle. A Chronicle from another world is generally called a False Chronicle.

List of Chronicles

The Chronicle of Infinite Recursion is mentioned in Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Hoshikuzu no Shiro but it is not seen.


  1. Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Hoshikuzu no Shiro
  2. Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Official Illustrations & Art Works (ISBN 978-4-86155-247-2), pages 262-271
Suikoden Tierkreis
108 Stars (Battle) HeroAmaralichtAsadAutarBelemuelBoscheBuchseCheinChihayaChrodechildDarrowDiadoraDiiwicaDiulfDoghaDromonEnumclawEusmilFeleccaFredegundGeschutzGilliamGuntramHafinHao-ShiHinaHotupaIcasIndrikJaleKashgarKeflenKhemiaKow-LowLathildaLen-LienLiuLoganLubberkinLuo-TaoLuvaisLyciaManarilMaricaMaybelleMegionMeruvisMinenMisrachMorrinMourgentMubalMun-TsangMuroNahzuNakilNamnaNeiraNemneNictisNimniNofretNomnoNovaNumnuOrdovicOuraganQuillardRajimResnoRobertoSavinaSelenServillahShamsSisucaSophiaSphielTajTigreTsaubernTuhululuVaslofWustumXebecYadimaYodYomiYovelYulaZahraZayinZenoa
Starbearers (Support) AnyaBalsamErinEuniceGadburgGornoMoanaNuzhatRaminRekarekaRufaSemiasSotahTongatihiWahie
Other playable characters AtrieCougarDirkMarica?
Non-playable characters AyanoBeardsleyCononDaigohDanash VIIIFergusFuratGorno?Kane HekiliKane MilohaiKureyahLamadeLao-KwanMacouteMasrurMayulaNinulnedaThe One KingRamin?RizwanShairahValfred
Empire of the North StarKingdom of AstrasiaLonomakua ChiefdomMagedom of JanamOrder of the One True WayUnited Kingdom of Ritterschild
Astrasia region PharamondRarohengaWilds of Veile
Cynas region Cynas (Statue of the One KingTower of the Way) • Fort ArcGrayridge (Grayridge Mines) • LugenikOther CynasSvatgol Mountain
Janam region Citro VillageCitro PlainsEastern HillEl-QaralFlesaria ForestJanam DesertLadzaa FortressMislato RiverSalsabil
Western region Ch'olui MountainsCoastal CaveCragbarkGineh ValleyKealohilani IslandMarsinah PlainsNaineneisNoslaw Woods (Woodland Village) • Tehah Village
Chronicles Chronicle of the Ancient CovenantChronicle of Boundless AmberChronicle of the Cerulean FluxChronicle of Endless TravelsChronicle of Fierce RegaliaChronicle of the Furious RoarChronicle of Noble SteelChronicle of the Peaceful EndChronicle of Resonant HorrorChronicle of the Sacred Twin BladesChronicle of the Shining LegacyChronicle of the Tatau CouncilTrue Chronicle
Races Auster FolkFurious RoarHumanPorpos-kinScribeWanderer
Terms Arcane AcademyAstrasia Royal KnightsBelfar AgencyBlades of Night's VeilChronicleCorridorFalse ChronicleFirst AncestorGatewayInfinityMage ForcesNameless HeroPillar of SpiritsReaderRenegadeSalsabil Liberation ArmySalsabil Self-Defense VolunteersSharpshooterStarbearerUnits