The True Chronicle (真正なる一書, Shinseinaru Ichi-Sho) is a Chronicle, a critical item in Suikoden Tierkreis. It is the record of a world, from its very beginning to its eventual end.

The True Chronicle is the term used to refer to the Chronicle that resides in its own world. In that sense, any Chronicle can be a True Chronicle provided it resides in its original world. The False Chronicles were each True Chronicles in turn at some point prior to their world fusion.
The True Chronicle contains the history of the world from its beginning to its end. It contains records of natural disasters, of world fusion, and of the eventual descent of the One King following five world fusions, ending the world. As the True Chronicle for the world, it also has the power to change and adapt people's memories and reality to reflect the changed world following world fusion.
The True Chronicle is not immutable. False Chronicles can write in the True Chronicle, in a sense, allowing details of the world to be changed. Human actions are not recorded in the True Chronicle, however, and so their effect on the world cannot be easily predicted.
At some point a century ago, Valfred would learn of the existence of the True Chronicle from the Scribes and obtain it. As the unaging Chancellor of the Order of the One True Way, Valfred would use the True Chronicle to extend the Order's reach and also to trigger seven additional world fusions, hoping to summon the One King in order to fuse the world with the One King's own, bringing about the Perpetual Day.
- Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Official Illustrations & Art Works (ISBN 978-4-86155-247-2), page 262