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The Kingdom of Astrasia (アストラシア王国, Asutorashia Ōkoku) is a nation that appears in Suikoden Tierkreis. It is occupied by the Order of the One True Way for the majority of the game.


Astrasia is located in the western part of the continent. It is a small country centered around its capital at Pharamond, which values heroism and bravery as its key values. Both the Astrasian royal family and its nobility are required to hone their sword techniques from childhood in honor of these values. Due to this martial tradition, the Astrasia Royal Knights were renowned as the continent's strongest and Astrasia itself was known as the "Country of the Sword".

Despite this, the nation would fall swiftly to the Order of the One True Way, when sudden storms would cause a series of landslides. These landslides would wipe out the majority of the Astrasian forces before the fighting even began. With the Royal Knights cut off from Pharamond, the city was taken without a fight and the King and Queen executed. For the next two years, Astrasia would remain under Order occupation.

However, when Princess Chrodechild aligned herself with the hero, together their forces would march on Pharamond and liberate it successfully.

Once the war ended, Chrodechild would be crowned Queen of Astrasia. Under her reign, the nation was said to begin a remarkable recovery from the damage caused from occupation.


  1. Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, pages 697, 835
Suikoden Tierkreis
108 Stars (Battle) HeroAmaralichtAsadAutarBelemuelBoscheBuchseCheinChihayaChrodechildDarrowDiadoraDiiwicaDiulfDoghaDromonEnumclawEusmilFeleccaFredegundGeschutzGilliamGuntramHafinHao-ShiHinaHotupaIcasIndrikJaleKashgarKeflenKhemiaKow-LowLathildaLen-LienLiuLoganLubberkinLuo-TaoLuvaisLyciaManarilMaricaMaybelleMegionMeruvisMinenMisrachMorrinMourgentMubalMun-TsangMuroNahzuNakilNamnaNeiraNemneNictisNimniNofretNomnoNovaNumnuOrdovicOuraganQuillardRajimResnoRobertoSavinaSelenServillahShamsSisucaSophiaSphielTajTigreTsaubernTuhululuVaslofWustumXebecYadimaYodYomiYovelYulaZahraZayinZenoa
Starbearers (Support) AnyaBalsamErinEuniceGadburgGornoMoanaNuzhatRaminRekarekaRufaSemiasSotahTongatihiWahie
Other playable characters AtrieCougarDirkMarica?
Non-playable characters AyanoBeardsleyCononDaigohDanash VIIIFergusFuratGorno?Kane HekiliKane MilohaiKureyahLamadeLao-KwanMacouteMasrurMayulaNinulnedaThe One KingRamin?RizwanShairahValfred
Empire of the North StarKingdom of AstrasiaLonomakua ChiefdomMagedom of JanamOrder of the One True WayUnited Kingdom of Ritterschild
Astrasia region PharamondRarohengaWilds of Veile
Cynas region Cynas (Statue of the One KingTower of the Way) • Fort ArcGrayridge (Grayridge Mines) • LugenikOther CynasSvatgol Mountain
Janam region Citro VillageCitro PlainsEastern HillEl-QaralFlesaria ForestJanam DesertLadzaa FortressMislato RiverSalsabil
Western region Ch'olui MountainsCoastal CaveCragbarkGineh ValleyKealohilani IslandMarsinah PlainsNaineneisNoslaw Woods (Woodland Village) • Tehah Village
Chronicles Chronicle of the Ancient CovenantChronicle of Boundless AmberChronicle of the Cerulean FluxChronicle of Endless TravelsChronicle of Fierce RegaliaChronicle of the Furious RoarChronicle of Noble SteelChronicle of the Peaceful EndChronicle of Resonant HorrorChronicle of the Sacred Twin BladesChronicle of the Shining LegacyChronicle of the Tatau CouncilTrue Chronicle
Races Auster FolkFurious RoarHumanPorpos-kinScribeWanderer
Terms Arcane AcademyAstrasia Royal KnightsBelfar AgencyBlades of Night's VeilChronicleCorridorFalse ChronicleFirst AncestorGatewayInfinityMage ForcesNameless HeroPillar of SpiritsReaderRenegadeSalsabil Liberation ArmySalsabil Self-Defense VolunteersSharpshooterStarbearerUnits