Anya (アーニャ, Ānya) is a minor character in Suikoden Tierkreis. Anya is a local gossip with access to a wide variety of information and rumors. Her in-game title is Born Mouth-First.

Anya was a young woman who, although she worked in the Grayridge chapter of the Order of the One True Way, did not believe in the Order's teachings. She was an acquaintance of Erin, who also worked at the chapter. Naturally lazy, she was able to twist the Order's teachings to shirk her responsibilities, sardonically reasoning that her lack of work ethic too had been predetermined.
It is this lack of belief that forced her underground, into the Grayridge Mines, to relax from time to time once the Order began to crackdown on dissidents. She would eventually be found in the mines by the hero who invited her to join his army.
A natural gossip, Anya could (and would) talk for days about people, whether they wanted to hear about it or not. Deeply curious about many of the unique characters in the army, she would spend her time utilizing her skills to investigate them. Her abilities in that regard were said to be comparable to a nation's intelligence personnel rather than a single small-town gossip. Still, she would come up short on several occasions, with Belemuel simply refusing to speak at all and Zenoa actually making her cry.
Once the war ended, Anya contemplated becoming a writer but decided against it once she realized it didn't involve any talking. Instead, she redoubled her efforts towards gossiping.
- Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 696