The Chronicle of the Sacred Twin Blades (聖なる双刃の書, Seinaru Sōba no Sho) is a Chronicle, a critical item in Suikoden Tierkreis. It is the surviving record of a world consumed by the One King.

The Chronicle of the Sacred Twin Blades is the surviving Chronicle of a world lost to the One King and world fusion.
To the people of the Kingdom of Astrasia, the Chronicle was known as Divine Edge, the red and purple swords of the Astrasian royal family. In the past, blacksmiths such as Gadburg were able to research the Chronicle. It is said that the process used to manufacture the Blades of Night's Veil unique black blades stemmed from the Chronicle.
The true identity of this Chronicle was revealed when Princesses Chrodechild and Fredegund fought, both halves of Divine Blade clashing in combat. As the Chronicle was wielded as swords, it was not retaken by the Order of the One True Way following Astrasia's liberation.
The vision the Chronicle imparted showed the Nameless Hero alone holding one of the blades of Divine Edge from atop Pharamond, swearing to defeat the One King.
- Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Official Illustrations & Art Works (ISBN 978-4-86155-247-2), page 266