The Nameless Urn (名無しのつぼ, Nanashi no Tsubo) is an item in the first Suikoden. The nameless urn is a quest item needed to recruit Jabba in Rikon.
This rare urn was rarely seen in the Kunan region of the Scarlet Moon Empire. Although it was an exceptional item, it was said to be a highly difficult item to appraise because its name and price could not be clearly determined.
Jabba, an appraiser in Rikon often boasted that he could appraise any item brought to him. If he ever failed, he would offer to do anything the person asked. Although supremely confident in his abilities, one Rikon resident noted that one time Jabba failed to appraise an item: The Nameless Urn.
One such urn was obtained on the plains of Kunan from a Holly Master by the hero and when Jabba was stumped with it, he was recruited into the Toran Liberation Army.
- Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), page 198
- Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 80