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Neclord (ネクロード, Nekurōdo) is an antagonist in Suikoden and Suikoden II. Neclord is a vampire with a penchant for taking victims as his brides.

{{{jpname}}}, {{{roname}}}

Gender Male
Race [[Vampire]]
Age 398-400 (S1), 403 (S2)
Appears in



Now wait a minute. You speak as if I'm going to lose.

—  Neclord

Neclord is a runic vampire who is known for turning his victims into zombies. Neclord was transformed into a vampire through the use of a rune[1]. By becoming a vampire through the use of a rune, Neclord gained a stronger resilience against traditional vampire weaknesses, which made Neclord consider himself a well-bred vampire[2]. In the past, Neclord teamed up with Windy and Yuber in pursuit of the Soul Eater; Neclord aided them in the destruction of the Village of the Hidden Rune[3]. Many years later, Neclord destroyed the village of North Window, turning the villagers there into zombies[4]. Despite the horrific damage Neclord caused to North Window, he had little memory of these events[5].

During the Gate Rune War, Neclord was appointed to the Lorimar region. There, Neclord changed the local Scarlet Moon Empire troops into zombies and skeletons[6]. Neclord then began to threaten local villages with his zombies, demanding they sent him women[7]. Most of the local villages gave in to Neclord's demands, save Warriors' Village[8].

Neclord travelled to Warriors' Village in order to take Tengaar, the daughter of Zorak, the chief of Warriors' Village. Though Zorak and the villagers attacked Neclord, they were unable to defeat him; Neclord was unimpressed by their performance in battle, claiming that he supposed it was the best humans could do[9]. They were quickly joined by Toran Liberation Army members Viktor and Tir McDohl, but Neclord was easily able to defeat them as Viktor and Tir were unable to do any damage. Neclord noted he had become quite famous and that his was a tough life and repeated his request to take Tengaar[10]. Neclord, in order to prevent further harm to her loved ones, agreed to go with Neclord, who claimed he liked Tengaar's style[11]. Tengaar made Neclord promise that he would not harm the villagers and, true to his word, Neclord left them be as he left for Neclord's Castle with Tengaar[12]

Soon after, Neclord sent wedding invitations to Warriors' Village[13]. The warriors of the village, along with members of the Toran Liberation Army, headed for Neclord's castle. There, Neclord greeted the gathered crowd, noting how rude it was for them to bring so many weapons to his wedding[14]. When Zorak demanded Neclord return his daughter, Neclord refused, but, recognizing Tir McDohl, invited Tir and his party to be his most welcome guests, warning them that should they not reach the top of Neclord's castle by sunset, Tengaar would be his forever[15].

Tir and his party raced to the top of Neclord's castle, where Neclord remarked that they had taken their time[16]. Viktor damned Neclord and asked him if he remembered what he had done to the village of North Window, but Neclord claimed he had no recollection of North Window, although Viktor seemed familiar[17]. Viktor, promising Neclord that he would never waste his breath again, attacked Neclord, using the Star Dragon Sword[18], which Hix quickly joined in. Neclord claimed that there were courageous and told Tir that he would present the Rune of Life and Death to Windy[19].

Neclord was unable to fight against the power of the Star Dragon Sword, but despite the Toran Liberation Army's ability to harm him, Neclord claimed that he had lived for centuries and would be damned if his life ended now[20], but Viktor, claiming that Neclord's life had only been centuries of evil deeds and that now was the time for Viktor to avenge his village, cleaved Neclord using the Star Dragon Sword, ostensibly killing the vampire[21].

Game data


Enemy data

{{{jpname}}}, {{{roname}}}
Area Warriors' Village
Type Normal enemy
{{{jpname}}}, {{{roname}}}
Area Neclord's Castle
Type Normal enemy



  1. "Neclord isn't human. He misused a rune and became a vampire." - Viktor (Suikoden)
  2. "I became a vampire by using a rune, so I happen to be a well-bred vampire. Besides, this sunlight is no big deal." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  3. "Hey Yuber. Lady Windy wants you. That old man escaped into the forest." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  4. "He destroyed the village where I was born. When I returned to my village, I saw members of my own family, who were turned into zombies by him, eating each other." - Viktor (Suikoden)
  5. "Hmmm, let me see. I've been around such a long time. Come to think of it, you do look somewhat familiar. Perhaps I've seen you at... what was that village? But Northwind doesn't ring a bell." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  6. "A man named Neclord came here as general of the local Imperial troops. With frightening magical powers, he turned his men into zombies and skeletons." - Zorak (Suikoden)
  7. "He then began threatening the local villages with his zombies. What he demanded was..." - Zorak
    "Send Tengaar to the castle? No way." - Hix (Suikoden)
  8. "The other villages gave in to his demands and delivered women, but not us. This is the Warriors' Village." - Zorak (Suikoden)
  9. "So I have seen. I suppose that is about the best that humans can do." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  10. "Goodness, how famous I've become. It's a tough life. Well, are you satisfied now? Please give me your daughter. She will have the honor of becoming my 70th bride." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  11. "I like your style, young lady." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  12. "If I go with you, do you promise not to harm the villagers?" - Tengaar
    "Of course. You have my word." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  13. "That's wonderful. We were just about to depart for Neclord's Castle. Look what that demon sent us." - Zorak
    "Wedding... Invitation?? Whose?" - Viktor (Suikoden)
  14. "My my, how rude of you to show up at a wedding with all those weapons." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  15. "I'm afraid not. She's my beloved bride. When the sun sets, our wedding begins. Tir, you're the leader of the Liberation Army, correct? I'd like you to be my most honored guest tonight. If you don't make it to the top of the castle by sunset, Tengaar will be mine forever. Understood? This gate will not admit the uninvited." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  16. "You sure took your time." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  17. "I've been around such a long time. Come to think of it, you do look somewhat familiar. Perhaps I've seen you at... what was that village? But Northwind doesn't ring a bell." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  18. "I'll make sure you never waste your breath again. Here we go, Star Dragon!" - Viktor (Suikoden)
  19. "Goodness, how courageous. Tir, I'm going to have to take your rune and present it to Lady Windy." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  20. "I have lived for 500 years. Damned if my life ends now." - Neclord (Suikoden)
  21. "500 years of evil deeds. This is where my journey ends. You killed my family and friends, and I traveled far looking for you. Now it's time for revenge!" - Viktor (Suikoden)

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