The Tiger General (虎将軍, Tora Shōgun) is a fable told by Kwanda Rosman in Genso Suikoden Short Story Collection 2 about the titular figure.
The Tiger General was a legendary general from the early days of the Scarlet Moon Empire. As a youth, he spent three years chasing a tiger to avenge his mother's death at its hands. Eventually, he finally found the tiger and shot an arrow at it, only to discover that it was not a tiger but a rock. However, the arrow struck the rock with such force that it never came out.
When Valeria killed a golden boar to avenge her own mother and gained reknown, Kwanda Rosman praised Valeria's filial devotion, citing this tale. This encounter led Valeria to join Kwanda's army.
- Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), pages 106-7