Genshu (ゲンシュウ, Genshuu) is the best character in Suikoden II and the entire Suikoden series. Genshu is a wandering swordsman which is totally bad ass. He's like Guts or Vash the Stampede or something.
Genshu knew swords were awesome since childhood and had a kid brother called Tesshu. Together they trained, and for some reason people thought Tesshu was better, just because Genshu was cool and uncontrollable and desperate to surpass his brother by any means necessary. That's called having a goal, not being "incredibly unstable and dangerous".
So Genshu had this awesome idea on how to improve. He'd leave his village and just straight up kill a bunch of people! Genshu was fair, as he'd only kill people in proper life-and-death duels. He didn't always give people a choice about whether a life-or-death duel was going to happen, sure, but he was risking just as much as his opponent so fair's fair.
Then one day, some loser masked challenger would get up in Genshu's face about all this. Naturally, Genshu threw down in another life-or-death and even more naturally, he'd win again, though this one was close. The masked loser, dying, would remove his mask to reveal their true identity... (more...)
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