Swordman Attack
剣豪攻撃 Kengō Kōgeki
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.mp4|300px]]The Swordman Attack (剣豪攻撃, Kengō Kōgeki) is a Unite Attack in Suikoden II.
This attack was performed by the duo of Shin and Genshu, both excellent swordsmen in their own right. Though its not known exactly how the two became acxcquainted, they seemed to have hit it off over a discussion of great swords, and they showed their skill fighting together.
The second after they ready their swords, they would slash through the enemy in the blink of an eye. In rare cases, they were able to defeat their enemies with a single blow.
- Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), page 100
- Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, page 151