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JAGMO, an acronym for JApan Game Music Orchestra, is a professional orchestra based in Japan which has performed several concerts around the Suikoden series.


JAGMO was founded in 2014 after the bankruptcy of its predecessor, the Japanese BGM Philharmonic Orchestra. JAGMO's stated goal is "to help make video game music part of the culture of music history". To that end, JAGMO is Japan's first professional game music symphony orchestra and has held many concerts since its establishment.

In 2015, JAGMO began touring with a series of ensemble suites based around different aspects of RPG music, such as battle themes, in their The Legend of RPG Collection performances. Its performances met with greater and greater success especially as JAGMO was willing to blend various forms of music into its performances rather than settling on one strict style for all its sets.

May 2016 saw JAGMO's first solo game series project, a series of collaborations with Touhou entitled the Gensokyo Symphony Orchestra. Other individual video game performances would follow, such as Undertale and Catherine.

Suikoden songs would first make their appearance in 2017, with several songs from the first two games being performed at the Traveler's Re-idea Suite on August 26 and 27.

JAGMO's collaboration with the Suikoden series and Konami kicked off in earnest in 2018, with the Genso Suikoden Orchestra Concert performing at Showa Women's University Hitomi Memorial Auditorium on August 25th and 26th. The success of this event saw a follow up concert performed at the NHK Osaka Hall on December 2, 2018.

The August 25 performance would be the foundation of the Symphonic Suite "SUIKODEN" ~presented by JAGMO~ 5 CD release.

The success of these concerts, visited by many fans and even previous staff and developers of the Suikoden series, ensured that there would be a Genso Suikoden × JAGMO Orchestra Concert Tour throughout 2019. From July to September, JAGMO would tour Tokyo and Kobe with a series of Suikoden concerts. These performances in turn would release a series of limited-edition CDs.

In 2020, to celebrate Suikoden's 25th anniversary, a series of concerts, the aptly titled Genso Suikoden 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert, were held at Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall and Showa Women's University Hitomi Memorial Auditorium from October to December 2020, in accordance with government guidelines regarding COVID-19.

The 25th anniversary performances are now scheduled to be streamed from April 4 to April 25 on the Thumva streaming website.

Music and Media of the Suikoden Series
Music releases
Soundtracks SuikodenSuikoden IIGenso Suikogaiden Vol.1Genso Suikogaiden Vol.2Suikoden IIISuikoden IVSuikoden TacticsSuikoden VSuikoden Tierkreis • Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki (Full digital soundtrackPhysical soundtrack selection)
Arrangements Genso Suikoden II Music Collection ~Orrizonte~Genso Suikoden Music Collection Produced by Namba Hiroyuki /Played by Yajuh-OhkokuGenso Suikoden Music Collection Produced by Haneda KentarōGenso Suikoden Vocal Collection ~La passione commuove la storia~Genso Suikoden III Music Collection ~Stirring Wind~Genso Suikoden Piano Collection ~Avertunerio Antes Lance Mao~Genso Suikoden Vocal Collection ~Distant Star: Echoes Of Love~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 2~Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Asian Collection~Genso Suikoden Piano Collection 2Genso Suikoden Music Collection ~Celtic Collection 3~Genso Suikoden IV Music Collection ~Another World~Genso Suikoden Tierkreis Extra SoundtrackGenso Suikoden Arrange Collection Vol.1 ~Vocal & Piano~Genso Suikoden Arrange Collection Vol.2 ~Celtic & Asian~Symphonic Suite "SUIKODEN" ~presented by JAGMO~
Metroberry Genso Suikoden Arrangement Collection Vol. 1 -JAZZ QUARTET-Vol. 2 -LATIN-Vol. 3 -CLASSIC PIANO SOLO-Vol. 4 -BRASS QUARTET-Vol. 5 -FUNK-Vol. 6 -SYMPHONIC PIECE FOR SEXTET-Vol. 7 -SYMPHONIC JAZZ ORCHESTRA-
Drama Drama CD Genso Suikoden Vol.1Drama CD Genso Suikoden Vol.2Drama CD Genso Suikoden II
Promotional Burning Sorrow/PremonitionGenso Suikoden III Music Collection ~Itsuka no Michi~Genso Suikoden III Tokyo Gameshow 2002 Charity Auction CDGenso Suikoden Orgel CollectionGenso Suikoden IV Prelude CDSuikoden Tactics Limited Edition SoundtrackSuikoden V Limited Edition Music CDGenso Suikoden Tierkreis Special Dorama CD