The Shadow (シャドウ, Shadou) is an enemy which appears in Suikoden III.
The Shadow is a zombie-like creature whose head is obscured by its wraps. It attacks with its claws and can unleash a devastating shrike attack. They were spotted mainly around the Zexen Forest during the War of the Champions.
Lv 31
HP 210
PWR 68
SKL 100
MGC 60
REP 110
PDF 10
MDF 65
SPD 90
LUK 55
Elemental Resistances
Fire C
Water C
Wind C
Earth C
Lightning C
Weapon Resistances
Sword D
Spear D
Claw D
Projectile D
Status Resistances
Death Normal
Sleep Normal
Stun Normal
Paralysis Normal
Silence Normal
Slow Normal