アンドレ Andore

Meta Information
Andre (アンドレ, Andore), real name Tom (トム, Tomu) is a character from Genso Suikoden Short Story Collection 1. He is a servant of Milich Oppenheimer.
Andre was a butler who apprenticed at Milich Oppenheimer's mansion in Gregminster, along with Pierre. As a new apprentice, he worked hard but was considered unrefined and was frequently admonished for infractions such as opening doors without knocking first.
He once carelessly allowed Milich's cat Mille Feuille to give birth on his hat. He was called "Andre" due to Milich's aristocratic tastes. His real name is the more ordinary "Tom."
- Genso Suikoden Short Story Collection 1 (ISBN 4-8402-1494-8), pages 149-176
- Genso Suikoden Encyclopaedia (ISBN 4-575-16297-3), page 25