Sumitomo Yuko
住友 優子
Sumitomo Yuko
Physical Information
Birth Date
11 July 1968
Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type
Meta Information
Sumitomo Yuko (住友 優子, born July 11, 1968) is a Japanese voice actress. She is probably most famous in Japan for her work as Lilly in the popular shonen-manga/anime, One Piece. She voices Windy in the Genso Suikoden radio drama and CD drama.
Selected works
- Neo Ranga (Minami Shimabara)
- One Piece (Lilly)
- Pokémon (Yuriko)
- Samurai Girl: Real Bout High School (Nanako Hishinuma)
Video games
- Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires (Zhen Ji)
- Gulity Gear (Milia Rage)
- Tales of Eternia (Quickie)
- Tales of Symphonia (Undine)
- Charmed (Daisy)