Hozumi Riya

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Revision as of 23:55, 9 March 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Hozumi Riya (ほづみりや) is an illustrator who worked on several Suikoden series properties in the early-to-mid 2000's.

Production History

Hozumi Riya is a manga artist and illustrator who authored several pieces for the Asuka Comics DX series of Suikoden manga (Gensosuikoden Alliance, Brunch and Caravelle) and also worked as an illustrator for Suikoden V, illustrating several different characters.

Hozumi Riya is a graduated of the school of veterinary medicine at the College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University. As such, animals and veterinary work is a topic that is often present in their own work. They have worked on several manga, illustration works, and video games over their career, and are the author of the manga Vet's Egg.


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