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{{Lengthy Article}}{{Character
#REDIRECT [[Hero (Suikoden)]]
|name = Tir McDohl
|japanese_name= ティル・マクドール
|romaji_name = Tyiru Makudōru
|star = Tenkai Star
|tab1 = Suikoden
|tmname = Tir McDohl (Suikoden)
|size = 250px
|caption = Kawano Junko
|gender = Male
|race = [[Human]]
|birth_date = 441
|age = 17 (Suikoden)<br>20 (Suikoden II)
|tab2 = Suikoden II
|tmname2 = Tir McDohl
|size2 = 250px
|caption2 = Ishikawa Fumi
|tab3 = Suikogaiden Vol.2
|tmname3 = Tir McDohl and Kasumi
|size3 = 250px
|caption3 = Yashioka Sho
|from = [[Gregminster]], [[Toran Republic]]
|family = [[Teo McDohl]] (father)
|va = [[Suzumura Kenichi]]
:<small>(''[[Assemble Genso Suikoden Radio! 108 Stars!]]'')</small>
}}'''Tir McDohl''' (ティル・マクドール, ''Tyiru Makudōru'') is the protagonist of the original [[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]] game. He also appears as a secret recruit in [[Suikoden II]] and makes a cameo in [[Genso Suikogaiden Volume 2]]. He has no canon first name. His given name, Tir, is derived from the novelisation of the first Suikoden game<ref>"It was, Tir, is it good!?" - Someone ([[Genso Suikoden Soul Eater 1]])</ref> and is in popular usage amongst the Suikoden community. It was also used on [[Assemble Genso Suikoden Radio! 108 Stars!]], the 2008 Suikoden internet radio show.
{{quote | So you're Teo's boy Tir. Quite an impressive little countenance. | Barbarosa Rugner}}
Tir is the son of [[Scarlet Moon Empire|Scarlet Moon]] general [[Teo McDohl]] and is said to resemble his father both physically and in countenance<ref>"So you're Teo's son Tir. Show me your face. Ha ha ha ha ha! You have an excellent face, just like your father." - Kasim Hazil ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref><ref>"You already resemble your father. I shall look forward to seeing you grow into manhood." - Barbarosa Rugner ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. His mother passed away shortly after his birth<ref>"{{h:title|The hero's mother died shortly after his birth.|母親は主人公を産んだ後間もなく病死している。}}" - Genso Suikoden official website</ref>. As a child, much of his upbringing was left to [[Gremio]]<ref>"You've taken care of Tir since he was a baby. Thanks to your efforts. He's grown into a fine youth. I'm grateful to you." - Teo McDohl ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
With Teo's assignment to the Empire's northern border in the year 455, Tir joined the Imperial Guard, initially serving under Commander [[Kraze Miles]]<ref>"Commander Kraze of the Imperial Guard will be Master Tir's superior." - Minister ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref> as well as serving as head of the McDohl household in his father's absence<ref>"Tomorrow morning, I must travel north. Tir will be responsible for the household in my absence. I'd like you all to give him full support." - Teo McDohl ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. His first mission, to retrieve the [[Astral Conclusions]] from [[Magician's Island]], led him to first meet [[Leknaat]], who informed the young man of his special place in the threads of fate<ref>"Tir, you are bearing a huge burden in the flow of destiny. And I know not what the outcome is." - Leknaat ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
Later Tir and his servants were forced to flee Gregminster, accused of being rebels after sheltering Ted, a McDohl family friend and bearer of one of the [[27 True Runes]], the [[Rune of Life and Death]]. Now in possession of the rune<ref>"You're the only one I can entrust this to. Please, take it.... Please take this rune." - Ted ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>, Tir's escape was aided by a rogue by the name of [[Viktor]], a member of the [[Toran Liberation Army]]. A raid on the rebel hideout forced Tir to flee south to [[Gouran]]<ref>"...Give this earring... to a fellow called Mathiu...in the village of Seika..." - Odessa Silverberg ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>, where he was manoeuvred to become leader of the new Liberation Army by [[Mathiu Silverberg]]<ref>"Please accept this earring, and live our your destiny as leader of the Freedom Fighters." - Mathiu Silverberg ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
With Mathiu serving as chief strategist and Tir growing to become an accomplished leader, the Liberation Army systematically attacked each of the [[Great General|Six Great Generals]], increasing the army's fame and influence. Tir still often thought of his father<ref>"Master Tir is thinking about Teo." - Cleo ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref> and was eventually forced to fight against him when Teo returned from the north. In a stand off between father and son, Tir emerged victorious, but at the cost of his father’s life, who gave his blessing to his son<ref>*Tir McDohl, my son. You have become so strong. I lived for what I believed in. And I have no regrets. You must also live for what you believe in. I give blessings to your choice." - Teo McDohl ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. With a greater resolve forged by the losses of loved ones throughout the war such as Ted, who died in a fateful encounter at [[Seek Valley]], Gremio, who was devoured by man-eating spores in [[Soniere Prison]], and his father, Tir led an attack on [[Floating Fortress of Shasarazade|Shasarazade]], burning it to the ground.
Following the gathering of all [[108 Stars]], Leknaat managed to use the power of the stars with her own half of the [[Gate Rune]] to restore Gremio to life. With victory in the grasp of the liberation movement, the army marched on to Gregminster, and Tir faced off with Emperor [[Barbarosa Rugner]], finally putting an end to the Scarlet Moon Empire<ref>"As a result of my mistake, I lost my Empire. Tir, what kind of land will you create in its stead?" - Barbarosa Rugner ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
Following the fall of the Scarlet Moon Empire, Tir was chosen as the rightful leader for the [[Toran Republic]], but he declined the throne and left the nation along with Gremio<ref>"{{h:title|Declined the position of first President of the Toran Republic.....|トラン共和国の初代大統領を辞退し・・・・}}" - Tir's Ending Text ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
===Gensosuikogaiden Volume 2===
Shortly after the end of the Dunan Unification War, Tir continued his journey, spending some time reminiscing with [[Kasumi]] about his idyllic days, spent with his friend Ted<ref>"Yeah... I have. I was thinking... about some things that happened a long time ago..." - Tir McDohl ([[Genso Suikogaiden Volume 2]])</ref>.
==Personality and Traits==
Tir often teased his servant and bodyguard, Gremio<ref>"Or is there some reason you can't? Have you been picking on Gremio again?" - Marie ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>, indicating a playful side to the young Tir McDohl. His eyes were said to draw people close to him <ref>"There are many in the Liberation Army. Humphrey, Sanchez, Mose... and Flik. ...but nobody has eyes like yours. Eyes that draw people to you. Many people..." - Odessa Silverberg ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref> and Viktor remarked that he had a big heart<ref>"Hey, hey, Gremio. It's no big deal. Safe passage is all that matters. Tir has a big heart." - Viktor ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. [[Blackman]], meanwhile, said Tir had "honest eyes", leading the taciturn farmer to trust Tir<ref>"I guess I can trust you. Your eyes, they're honest eyes." - Blackman ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
Mathiu Silverberg, meanwhile, recognised Tir's natural leadership abilities and deduced that Odessa intended for him to become leader of the Liberation Army in the event of her death<ref>"But You Tir, however, are a born leader. I'm sure Odessa realized that. That's why she wanted me to meet you. Please accept this earring, and live our your destiny as leader of the Freedom Fighters." - Mathiu Silverberg ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
Flik dismissed Tir as a kid in his anger upon hearing of Odessa's death<ref>"You must be kidding! Humphrey! Sanchez! Are you going to let them get away with this? How can this kid follow after Odessa?!" - Flik ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref> although Mathiu had earlier noticed that his battles with [[Kwanda Rosman]] had made Tir a man<ref>"Commander Tir, this battle has made you a man. So many people are willing to join you. Now let's get back to Toran Castle." - Mathiu Silverberg ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. Viktor also recognised this when he tried to convince Gremio not to accompany Tir on his reconnaissance of [[Kunan]]<ref>"Don't you understand, Gremio? Tir is no longer a child. He's the proud leader of the Liberation Army. Not a kid who needs your protection." - Viktor ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. As Gremio died in Soniere Prison, he expressed his own happiness at Tir's maturation<ref>"I'm sorry I can't protect you any more. ...But now that you've grown up, you no longer need my protection. Young Master... You make me proud. I wish Master Teo could see you now." - Gremio ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
Tir's reaction to Gremio's death helped turn Flik's opinion of him<ref>"Tir. I'm beginning to understand why Odessa chose you. You'd better live up to Odessa's, and Gremio's, expectations." - Flik ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref> and later when closer friends argued his decision to spare [[Milich Oppenheimer]]'s life, it was Flik who backed Tir<ref>"That's enough, Viktor. It's the leader's decision. Follow his orders." - Flik ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
Despite his growing maturity and leadership, Tir was shaken by the death of Gremio and having to battle his father<ref>"Tir, you are lost and confused. Gremio's death, your battle with your father. But you must go on." - Leknaat ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. His defeat of Teo illustrated just how far Tir had come since his early days<ref>"Tir McDohl, my son. You have become so strong. I lived for what I believed in. And I have no regrets. You must also live for what you believe in. I give blessings to your choice." - Teo McDohl ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. In fact, Teo had considered his son to have eclipsed him<ref>"Tir, my son, I am happy. The greatest happiness... a father can experience... is to see his son... surpass himself. Good luck, my son, Tir.... Tir...." - Teo McDohl ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
At [[Qlon Temple]], [[Fukien]] recognised Tir McDohl as the "[[Starmaster]]"<ref>"I was expecting your arrival, Starmaster." - Fukien ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>. Born under the Star of Heavenly Guidance<ref>"Of course. Master Tir is the destined leader of the 108 Stars of
Heaven and Earth." - Fukien ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>, Tir was the destined leader of the 108 Stars of Heaven and Earth<ref>"We are all destined to gather together, once again, under Master Tir's sign, the Star of Heavenly Guidance." - Fukien ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
The ninja [[Kasumi]] held a crush on Tir<ref>"About Kasumi, you see... just between you and me, the truth is... she likes Tir! Hee hee, surprised?" - Viki ([[Genso Suikogaiden Volume 2]])</ref>, trying to act more ladylike in his presence<ref>"Hee hee, how ladylike you try to be in front of Tir. But for you it's a lost cause" - Krin ([[Suikoden (game)|Suikoden]])</ref>.
==Game info==
|content1={{Character Info Base
|portrait=[[File:Tir McDohl (portrait).png]]
|name= McDohl
|lv= 1
|rune= [[Rune of Life and Death|Soul Eater]] ''(fixed)''
|recruit= Automatically joins at the beginning of the game
|equipment=[[Bandana]]<br>[[Tunic]]<br>[[Gloves]]<br>[[Boots]]<br>[[Medicine]] 6
|arm_head= Caps
|arm_body= Light armour
|arm_shd= Cannot equip
|arm_acc= Male
|content2={{Character Info Battle
|portrait=[[File:Tir McDohl (portrait).png]]
|coop= Master-Pupil Attack
|partner= [[Kai]]
|protected= [[Cleo]], [[Gremio]], [[Pahn]]
|content3={{Character Info Stats
|hp= D
|pwr= C
|skl= B
|def= D
|spd= B
|mgc= C
|luck= C
|content4={{Character Info War
|portrait=[[File:Alen (portrait).png]]
|unit_name=Leader's Team
|atk_quote= Everybody! Let's go!
|def_quote= Everybody... it's up to you.
|content5={{Character Info Weapon
|type= Staff
|wlv= 1
|name1= Wolf Fang Staff
|name2= Dragon Fang Staff
|name3= Heaven Fang Staff
==Genso Suikoden Card Stories==
Tir (under the name McDohl) has no less than six cards in [[Genso Suikoden Card Stories]]. He is always depicted as a Mastermind or Leader card.
{{Card List
|number= 001
|cardtitle= McDohl
|type= Mastermind
|expansion= Starter Box & Booster Pack Vol.1
|shine= ★ ★ ★
|number2= 204
|cardtitle2= McDohl
|type2= Leader
|expansion2= Booster Pack Vol.2
|shine2= ★ ★ ★
|number3= CS2-153
|cardtitle3= McDohl
|type3= Leader
|expansion3= CS2 Booster Pack Vol.2
|shine3= ★ ★ ★
|number4= CS2-294
|cardtitle4= McDohl & Gremio
|type4= Leader
|expansion4= CS2 Booster Pack Vol.3
|shine4= ★ ★ ★
|number5= CS2-375/R001
|cardtitle5= McDohl
|type5= Mastermind
|expansion5= To the Promised Land
|shine5= ★ ★ ★
|number6= CS2-419/R204
|cardtitle6= McDohl
|type6= Leader
|expansion6= To the Promised Land
|shine6= ★ ★ ★
==Name issues==
The name Tir is an unofficial name derived from an officially licensed publication from 1998. Games and publications which avoid giving a first name to the character usually refer to him as "McDohl." The 2010 Suikoden manga, the Succeed Crest, gives McDohl the first name Louie. Like Tir, it is an unofficial name derived from a licensed publication but without the longevity and common use of the former.
{{Top icons
|Suikoden= yes
|Suikoden II= yes
|Suikoden III= no
|Suikoden IV= no
|Suikoden V= no
|Tierkreis= no
|Suikogaiden 1= no
|Suikogaiden 2= yes
|Tactics= no
|Card Stories= yes
{{Stars of Destiny (Suikoden)}}
[[Category:Characters in Suikoden]]

Latest revision as of 01:17, 11 May 2013

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